Sam Beechey, Commodore of the Paynesville Motor Cruiser Club, is pleased with the response from the new and intending members currently coming into the club.
Over the Australia Day weekend on Sunday, January 26, a barbecue on the deck for club members and guests at around 5pm is to be held but unfortunately the cruise to Refuge Cove has been cancelled because of the predicted unpleasant weather.
Commodore Beechey said he was encouraged by the growing attendance of people in the community coming to the club on Friday evening (club night) and the club’s resident chef Anthony Corr has also been encouraged by the support the club has had in recent months.
Rear commodore Geoff Smethurst has been busy preparing a list of activities the club hopes to be involved in the year ahead, with local authorities to raise the profile of a club on the Gippsland Lakes.