Letters regarding proposed mineral sands exploration works in the Sarsfield, Nowa Nowa and Wairewa districts have recently been received by local residents.
The sender is international mineral sands company, Iluka Resources, its letter advising residents it applied to the Victorian State Government on July 21 to undertake mineral sands exploration works.
The three intended general areas cover Sarsfield across 113 square kilometres, the centre of which is 14km north-east of Bairnsdale; 178m2 centred south-west of Nowa Nowa and 164km2 around Wairewa, centred 10km east of Nowa Nowa.
The proposed work includes field inspections and logistics with aircore drilling and sampling (small rig size and typical samples of 1-4kg).
The letter also advises Earth Resources is responsible for assessing exploration licence applications and the process may take several months, prior to a licence being granted.
For Sarsfield resident, Joan Price, in Cousins Court, the letter was a shock.
IMAGE: One of the exploration licence maps, the centre of which is 14km north-east of Bairnsdale.