The Buchan Rodeo was one of the largest events held over the Easter weekend, despite the wet and wild conditions.
Keen rodeo goers packed the Buchan Rodeo grounds to watch the spectacle, with president, Kevin Woodgate, estimating there were between 1800 and 2000 people attending the event.
“We sold around 1800 tickets online,” Mr Woodgate said.
The conditions impacted numbers slightly, with last year’s rodeo seeing more attendees.
“We were pretty lucky this year in terms of the weather, we did have some showers towards the end,” Mr Woodgate said.
Mr Woodgate, along with his brother, Tim Woodgate, received life memberships for their work with the Buchan Rodeo.
The Easter weekend was jam-packed with events, including the Omeo Rodeo and the Good Friday Appeal.
IMAGE: It was a day of thrills and spills at the annual Buchan Rodeo, with around 2000 keen rodeo goers flocking to the grounds to watch the spectacle on Easter Sunday.