On Sunday, August 18, a group of around 35 people welcomed the arrival, the “birth” of a book, Heart of a Midwife, written by Judith Walker.
The Smile a While cafe at 455 Princes Princes Highway was the venue for chatter and meeting new people.
Judith and Alan’s friends came from Red Cross, U3A, the ADRA food bank team and other places in this caring community.
There was a delicious banana “birthday” cake made by Mitzi Zaric, enjoyed by all along with other tasty eatables.
A quiz about Africa, arranged and taken by local hospital pharmacist, Leo Hamulczyk, was a source of fun and education.
Did you know that the size of the African continent is about equal to the old USSR plus another third of that great expanse? Or that the average number of babies an African woman has is about four.
Judy looked interesting in her Malawian wrap-around skirt (it’s the fun of the audience, it had a tendency to fall down but fortunately she had another skirt underneath).
The Malawian headgear stayed put.
Equally valuable to the pleasure of the afternoon was the sale of 20 books.
The sale of those books will contribute to the wellbeing of Africans in Malawi.
Another book presentation will be held today at Broadlands View from 2pm, for more information contact the Bairnsdale Advertiser office.