East Gippsland Shire Council is finalising its Draft Budget 2024-25 to be considered at the April 30 council meeting before being released to the community for feedback.
Chief executive officer Fiona Weigall said councillors and officers have been working diligently over recent months to prepare a draft budget that aligns with the Council Plan and has a strong focus on managing within our means.
“We understand that cost-of-living pressures are impacting many people. We have developed a disciplined budget that keeps rates within a 2.75 per cent increase (rate cap) and aligns our fees and charges with inflation,” Ms Weigall said.
“We have put considerable effort into balancing community aspirations for more of some services, while delivering on our legislative obligations and keeping the financial impact on community as low as possible.”
Ms Weigall said officers and councillors have been mindful of the challenges that continue to impact the community.
“We’re part of the community and we understand the challenges of our economic climate and cost-of-living pressures. We’re continually looking at ways to improve the efficiency of our service delivery and innovate to ensure we remain financially sustainable,” Ms Weigall said.
“We’re not immune to global financial challenges, including higher inflation and rapidly rising costs. Through prudent budgeting and looking at our services, we have developed a program that proposes a range of continuing and new initiatives that supports the delivery of the Council Plan and community aspirations.
“In 2024-25, we will continue to have a large capital budget as we finalise delivery of some externally funded major projects.”
“Our commitment is to work with the community to continue to progress what is important to East Gippslanders and use our budget prudently,” Ms Weigall said.
“We look forward to being able to share our Draft Budget and the detail around rates, fees and the investment in projects and services with the community after the April 30 council meeting. We invite the community to review the detail and provide feedback.
“We welcome feedback and are committed to explaining how suggestions can be progressed. We will also respond to all submitters individually following the adoption of the budget.”
Community feedback will be open from May1 to May 29.
Tuesday, April 30: Council meeting – consideration of Draft Budget
May 1: Community feedback opens
May 29: Community feedback closes
Late May/early June: Councillors consider community feedback.
June 25: Council meeting – adoption of Annual Budget 2024-25
July: Responses to feedback submitters
The Draft Budget and supporting information and opportunities to provide feedback will be available on council’s website, YourSay engagement portal and at customer service centres.