Round 5
Moe 4.1 6.4 9.5 12.7 (79)
Bairnsdale 5.3 5.4 7.6 11.7 (73)
GOALS – Moe: H. Pepper 4; N. Prowse 3; J. Wood, J. Balfour, J. Makepeace, J. Morrow, L. McGrath. Bairnsdale: B. McCarrey 4; J. Walker, L. Byrne-Jones 2; L. Cloak, T. Blenheim, M. East.
BEST – Moe: D. Keilty, N. Prowse, R. Baldi, H. Sim, B. Collings, L. Mulqueen. Bairnsdale: W. Mitchell, K. Vickery, E. East, R. Stewart, T. Blenheim, C. Harvey.
Other matches: Morwell 8.14-62 d Maffra 6.17-53; Traralgon 10.9-69 d Wonthaggi 6.6-42; Leongatha 14.8-92 d Warragul 4.7-31; Drouin 10.10-70 d Sale 14.11-95.
Bairnsdale 0.0 2.8 4.10 7.11 (53)
Moe 0.1 1.1 3.1 5.4 (34)
GOALS – Bairnsdale: R. Robinson, L. Dunkley 2; D. O’Connor, B. Sauer, C. Moresi. Moe: C. Nash 3; J. Chessells, L. Rock.
BEST – Bairnsdale: M. Hamilton, C. Mann, B. Sauer, C. Moresi, B. Lind. Moe: T. Eden, C. Nash, L. Rock, A. Wilson, S. Hanson, M. Gelagotis.
Other matches: Traralgon 15.18-108 d Wonthaggi 4.4-28; Leongatha 19.18-132 d Warragul 1.2-8; Drouin 5.7-37 d Sale 3.4-22; Maffra 15.8-98 d Morwell 2.6-18.
Bairnsdale 4.1 6.3 7.4 8.4 (52)
Moe 1.1 1.1 2.3 4.4 (28)
GOALS – Bairnsdale: O. Emmett 3; S. Buckley, C. Otuonye, J. Bull, M. Neate, M. Hamilton. Moe: J. Shields 2; M. Moroney, L. Earl.
BEST – Bairnsdale: R. Cullinan, M. Hamilton, S. O’Kelly, M. Neate, E. Gallasch, T. Scott. Moe: J. Shields, K. Mulley, X. Berquez, B. Blandford, M. Hasthorpe, J. Pace.
Other matches: Maffra 15.9-99 d Morwell 6.5-41; Leongatha 5.13-45 d Warragul 5.5-35; Drouin 6.8-44 d Sale 4.7-31.
Moe 3.2 7.5 10.7 15.11 (101)
Bairnsdale 2.1 7.1 8.3 8.3 (51)
GOALS – Moe: B. Higgins 5; S. McConachy, M. Snowden 2; M. Moroney, S. Robinson, P. Gatpan, M. Malady, D. Walsh, E. Romano. Bairnsdale: K. Frith, J. Froud, W. Malady 2; L. Desio, O. Baylis.
BEST – Moe: S. Robinson, M. Malady, B. Higgins, T. Paltridge, A. Jones, S. McConachy. Bairnsdale: A. Tanner, K. Frith, J. Froud, C. OByrne, W. Malady, C. Otuonye.
Other matches: Maffra 16.21-117 d Morwell 0.2-2; Traralgon 11.13-79 d Wonthaggi 5.6-36; Leongatha 7.8-50 d Warragul 2.4-16; Sale 11.11-77 d Drouin 8.7-55.
W L D B % Pts
Leongatha 5 0 0 0 202.49 20
Traralgon 4 1 0 1 132.86 16
Sale 3 2 0 0 111 12
Moe 3 2 0 0 108.46 12
Bairnsdale 3 2 0 1 106.37 12
Morwell 3 2 0 0 102.24 12
Drouin 2 3 0 0 104.48 8
Wonthaggi 1 4 0 0 80.56 4
Warragul 1 4 0 0 67.99 4
Maffra 0 5 0 0 52.67 0
Leongatha 5 0 0 0 498.21 20
Maffra 4 1 0 0 216.09 16
Bairnsdale 4 1 0 1 128 16
Traralgon 3 2 0 1 244.13 12
Sale 2 3 0 0 87.86 8
Drouin 2 3 0 0 84.14 8
Moe 2 3 0 0 56.93 8
Morwell 1 4 0 0 71.43 4
Wonthaggi 1 4 0 0 33.68 4
Warragul 1 4 0 0 24.42 4
Drouin 4 1 0 0 159.36 16
Maffra 4 1 0 0 150.67 16
Warragul 3 1 0 1 155.47 12
Traralgon 3 1 0 2 151.52 12
Leongatha 2 2 0 1 121.23 8
Bairnsdale 2 3 0 1 88.74 8
Moe 2 3 0 0 80.84 8
Sale 0 4 0 1 57.3 0
Morwell 0 4 0 1 31.51 0
Wonthaggi 0 0 0 5 0 0
Maffra 5 0 0 0 639.73 20
Traralgon 5 0 0 1 615.56 20
Moe 4 1 0 0 280.21 16
Wonthaggi 4 1 0 0 180.69 16
Sale 2 3 0 0 71.43 8
Bairnsdale 2 3 0 1 64.18 8
Drouin 1 4 0 0 77 4
Leongatha 1 4 0 0 28.06 4
Warragul 1 4 0 0 25.71 4
Morwell 0 5 0 0 18.26 0
B. McCarrey (Bairnsdale) 16; H. Pepper (Moe) 13; J. Garnham (Leongatha), T. Campbell (Sale), C. McInnes (Wonthaggi), D. Loprese (Traralgon) 12; T. Brill (Leongatha) 11; K. Quirk (Drouin), B. McDonald (Morwell), W. Leslie (Sale) 9.
F. Materia (Leongatha) 18; K. Hermansen (Drouin) 16; L. Dunkley (Bairnsdale) 14; C. Scandrett (Traralgon) 10; T. McRae (Leongatha), K. Ruyters (Traralgon) 9; J. Lambourn (Maffra) 8; J. Cunico (Traralgon), B. Harrington (Maffra), E. Smith (Morwell), N. Nagel (Leongatha) 7
R. Baker (Drouin) 16; M. Croatto (Leongatha), J. McQuillen (Maffra) 10; J. Andrews (Maffra) 9; K. Gregg (Drouin), R. O’Neill (Morwell), J. Walker (Bairnsdale) 7; E. Croucher (Drouin), B. Burrows (Traralgon), W. Moon (Sale), K. Boi (Warragul) 6.
J. Brouwers (Wonthaggi) 21; K. Walmsley (Drouin), B. Higgins (Moe) 14; M. Snowden (Moe) 12; L. Macumber (Traralgon), M. Moroney (Moe), J. Halligan (Sale), K. Thorley (Traralgon) 11; L. Harrington (Maffra), T. Harkin (Drouin) 10.
“A” grade: Moe 77 d Bairnsdale 29. BEST – R. Dunkley, A. Mooney, S. Deller.
Other matches: Drouin 64 d Sale 21; Warragul 60 d Leongatha 52; Wonthaggi 45 d Traralgon 38; Morwell 83 d Maffra 19.
“B” grade: Moe 63 d Bairnsdale 35. BEST – C. Young, M. Fullgrabe, K. Neilson.
Other matches: Drouin 46 d Sale 34; Leongatha 57 d Warragul 36; Traralgon 47 d Wonthaggi 32; Morwell 59 d Maffra 26.
“C” grade: Bairnsdale 30 d Moe 27. BEST – J. Taylor, B. Soulsby, A. Virgo.
Other matches: Drouin 52 d Sale 24; Leongatha 34 d Warragul 24; Wonthaggi 45 d Traralgon 33; Morwell 36 d Maffra 34.
17 and under: Bairnsdale 46 d Moe 19. BEST – S. Scott, E. Sabell, M. Warfe.
Other matches: Sale 38 d Drouin 33; Leongatha 59 d Warragul 13; Traralgon 46 d Wonthaggi 29; Maffra 44 d Morwell 25.
15 and under: Bairnsdale 35 d Moe 33. BEST – P. Pearson, L. Fullgrabe, C. Allen.
Other matches: Sale 47 d Drouin 19; Leongatha 34 d Warragul 32; Traralgon 58 d Wonthaggi 18; Maffra 41 d Morwell 30.
13 and under: Moe 37 d Bairnsdale 11. BEST – P. Crawley, I. Blake, R. Jackson.
Other matches: Sale 34 d Drouin 20; Leongatha 54 d Warragul 4; Traralgon 52 d Wonthaggi 2; Maffra 57 d Morwell 7.
Moe 5 0 0 0 198.25 20
Drouin 4 1 0 0 161.63 16
Warragul 4 1 0 0 122.48 16
Wonthaggi 3 2 0 0 113.37 12
Traralgon 3 2 0 0 103.96 12
Morwell 2 3 0 0 120.71 8
Bairnsdale 2 3 0 0 86.28 8
Leongatha 1 4 0 0 87.50 4
Sale 0 4 1 0 45.17 2
Maffra 0 4 1 0 40.54 2
Drouin 5 0 0 0 160.36 20
Leongatha 4 0 1 0 148.04 18
Traralgon 4 1 0 0 125.00 16
Moe 3 1 1 0 123.70 14
Morwell 2 2 1 0 122.24 10
Sale 2 2 1 0 92.23 10
Maffra 1 3 1 0 60.95 6
Warragul 1 4 0 0 76.15 4
Wonthaggi 1 4 0 0 80.18 2
Bairnsdale 0 5 0 0 67.58 0
Drouin 4 0 1 0 175.81 18
Morwell 4 0 1 0 135.42 18
Traralgon 4 1 0 0 105.37 16
Wonthaggi 3 2 0 0 132.37 12
Maffra 3 2 0 0 101.83 12
Leongatha 3 2 0 0 100.64 12
Moe 1 4 0 0 95.04 4
Bairnsdale 1 4 0 0 73.02 4
Sale 1 4 0 0 56.63 4
Warragul 0 5 0 0 67.04 0
Traralgon 5 0 0 0 259.18 20
Leongatha 4 1 0 0 215.24 16
Sale 4 1 0 0 152.46 16
Bairnsdale 4 1 0 0 151.09 16
Drouin 3 2 0 0 126.06 12
Wonthaggi 2 3 0 0 87.79 8
Maffra 2 3 0 0 85.48 8
Moe 1 4 0 0 43.27 4
Morwell 0 5 0 0 58.38 0
Warragul 0 5 0 0 23.70 0
Bairnsdale 5 0 0 0 214.41 20
Sale 5 0 0 0 185.83 20
Traralgon 4 1 0 0 203.33 16
Maffra 3 2 0 0 100.52 12
Moe 2 3 0 0 100.61 8
Drouin 2 3 0 0 81.63 8
Wonthaggi 2 3 0 0 72.77 8
Leongatha 2 3 0 0 60.09 8
Warragul 0 5 0 0 57.53 0
Morwell 0 5 0 0 54.07 0
Traralgon 5 0 0 0 286.49 20
Maffra 4 1 0 0 228.57 16
Leongatha 4 1 0 0 206.86 16
Sale 3 1 0 0 210.53 12
Moe 3 2 0 0 163.81 12
Drouin 2 3 0 0 88.32 8
Bairnsdale 2 3 0 0 84.62 8
Wonthaggi 2 3 0 0 33.51 8
Morwell 0 5 0 0 25.96 0
Warragul 0 5 0 0 13.70 0