Metung Yacht Club (MYC) recently hosted a successful learn to sail course for enthusiastic youngsters.
For five days, two sessions a day of two hours duration were conducted for tackers between the ages of six and 10.
The budding young sailors learned to capsize a boat, steer a yacht and trim a sail in early January at MYC and on Bancroft Bay.
They learned how to identify wind direction, played games and how to steer around obstacles (including each other’s boats).
They made new friends, learned to work together, and gained confidence on the water.
Woody (eight) and Banjo (10) Hayes travelled with their family from Newham, near Macedon, to participate in the week of learn to sail sessions.
They said they had a lot of fun, learning to sail on Bancroft Bay, capsizing, and getting in the water.
“We liked the independence of sailing like this, and making new friends,” Banjo said.
“It’s been fun sailing here, especially when we catch the wind. We will do it again next summer,” Woody said.
The twice-daily lessons were brought to Metung by Smooth Sailing School, contracted by MYC.