Nola Brimley, of the Rotary Club of Kardinia, and her charity driver, Mark Haby, drove a tilt tray truck from Geelong to deliver four containers to the East Gippsland Rotary Fire Aid committee last weekend.
President of Nola’s Kardinia club, Henry Brockman, initially made contact with president of Bairnsdale Sunrise, John Fallon to get the containers to the area.
Nola took hold of the project and researched the best and most economical way to get the containers to the district.
Rotary has so far donated more than 150 containers to East Gippslanders who have requested them.
Nola, an enthusiastic member of Kardinia Rotary Club, delivered a container to the Sarsfield area while the other three were delivered to Fennings
Timber Yard awaiting distribution. Robyn Counihan, secretary of the East Gippsland Rotary Fire Aid committee, said the community of East Gippsland was most grateful for the contribution and effort made by the Rotary Club of Kardinia, and the gifted containers were warmly received by people who had been fire-affected. The containers are a practical point in the lives of fire-affected East Gippslanders, Ms Counihan said, as well as making mention that the local committee had so far distributed more than $2.3 million in cash and kind within the region with contributions from the local community, Rotary International, and Australian Rotary clubs.
Robyn said the local committee continues to meet fortnightly reviewing requests for local assistance.
Mick Nation, of Bairnsdale Assist A-Lift, was on the job early last Saturday morning unloading containers at Fennings Timber for the East Gippsland Rotary Fire Aid committee. Committee secretary, Robyn Counihan (centre) received the containers delivered to the yard by Melbourne driver, Boris Bogushevski, doing a favour for the Sash Trust Co. (PS)