The East Gippsland Police and Aboriginal Community Protocols Against Family Violence (PACPAFV) launch was held at Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) on Monday,
November 25.
The event was attended by approximately 75 community members with representation from multiple communities, agencies and organisations all committed to improving outcomes in the Aboriginal community.
Attendees participated in a smoking ceremony performed by Shay Terrick, were welcomed to Country by Aunty Glenys Watts, were performed stories by the Cultural Connect Dancers and were introduced to the PACPAFV principles by Victoria Police and Dehlk DJA before partaking in an afternoon tea.
PACPAFV is a partnership agreement between Victoria Police, Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum and Aboriginal Justice Forum to improve safety and police responses to violence within Aboriginal communities.
“The launch related to the production of the PACPAFV booklet which was recently published and disseminated within the community. The PACPAFV booklet is designed to assist police, the aboriginal community and partner organisations when dealing with incidents of Family Violence within the Aboriginal community,” Inspector Mark Rossiter said.
“The booklet assists police by providing cultural context to the police response by creating awareness around vulnerability factors within the Aboriginal community with a view to a culturally sensitive approach which promotes trust and early intervention.
“The booklet assists the Aboriginal
community by providing transparency and expectations in relation to the police
response, again to promote trust and early intervention.
“The booklet also creates pathways to hold the police response to account and provide awareness around contemporary local issues where practices can be adapted to make the police response more effective. The booklet also assists partner agencies in their mission to prevent harm in the Aboriginal community by linking in Family Violence services.
“The event was extremely successful and we all look forward to utilising the PACPAFV booklets to prevent harm in the Aboriginal community.”