BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU | 21 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 WEST END OF TOWN THE TOP END OF TOWN Make building projects simple East Gippsland Hire has now expanded their site, taking over the old Elders Rural supplies yard on the Princes Highway heading out of town. The large range of earthmoving and access equipment that has largely been stored off site, is now all in one place for easy viewing, with a drive-through entry and exit. For more than 20 years, East Gippsland Hire and Bairnsdale Brick and Paver have been supplying East Gippsland with quality building products and hire equipment. Whatever your building project needs, East Gippsland Hire has a wide selection of products and hire equipment to enable you to complete complex and simple building projects and landscaping jobs. All products are available at competitive rates with superior professional service and advice. The East Gippsland Hire team has a vast knowledge of products and industry requirements to help you with your building project, and has an extensive range of builder and handyman equipment available for hire. The skilled and knowledgeable staff can assist you with the selection of any equipment that is required for your project. East Gippsland Hire has a wide selection of equipment and services available, including: - Builders and handyman - Scaffolding, trestles, ladders and access equipment - Excavators, skidsteer loaders, tippers and trenchers - Forklifts and trailers - VMS boards and generators - Portaloos - Floor sanders - Stump grinders and wood chippers For more information, visit the East Gippsland Hire website or contact via phone or email, you can also head to their site on 696 Princes Highway Bairnsdale, they are open Monday to Saturday. East Gippsland Hire recently expanded their site and now occupy the old Elders Rural supplies yard on the Princes Highway. East Gippsland Hire and Bairnsdale Brick and Paver have been supplying the East Gippsland region with building products and hire equipment. Your repair needs sorted Lisa and Jack Robinson, owners of Robbo’s Panels Truck and Car Repairs, are ready to take on all kinds of jobs, including machinery, car and truck repairs. For all your panel beating needs, head to Robbo's Panels Truck and Car Repairs in Bairnsdale. Owned by Lisa and Jack Robinson, Robbo's Panels Truck and Car Repairs has been a labor of love. Jack has been a panel beater for 12 years and decided to venture out on his own, opening his own business in December last year. Robbo's Panels Truck and Car Repairs take on all kinds of jobs, including machinery, car, WUXFN DQG KRUVH ÀRDW UHSDLUV The young family business is open Monday to Friday from 8am-4pm, offering free quotes to customers. Prompt & professional tree services ❱ #%%& # " " & & % ! ❱ ! " ❱ %% & !"! % %"$ ❱ #% $# & " % !$$ # $ %# & !$$ # $ %# & & & 1300 BAT BRO Come in & get a free quote!
| BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU 22 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 WEST END OF TOWN THE TOP END OF TOWN Building quality homes in Bairnsdale Independent Builders Gippsland (IBG) is locally owned and operated by Brian and Tania McNamara, and pride themselves on building quality homes with a personalised, professional service their customers can trust. With more than 28 years as a registered builder and 35 years in the building industry, Brian sure knows a thing or two. A born and bred local, Brian is a friendly, familiar face to many Gippslanders. You can visit the friendly team at their colour selection centre on 40 Forge Creek Road, Bairnsdale where you can expect one-on-one service to bring your new home vision to life as you tour the selection of FDELQHWU\ WDSZDUH ÀRRU FRYHULQJV DQG DOO the things that will make your future home comfortable and stylish. 7KH RI¿FH DQG &RORXU 6HOHFWLRQ &HQWUH LV combined into one place, simplifying the process for customers. The staff at IBG can answer all your questions involving drafting plans, permits, your personal colour selection, signing contracts and more. Independent Builders Gippsland, located on Forge Creek Road in Bairnsdale, is owned by locals Brian and Tania McNamara, who pride themselves on building quality homes for their customers. Honest service from Mick Handley Automotive Mick Handley Automotive has been based in Bairnsdale for the past 10 years, and show no signs of slowing down. Owner, Mick, started his career in the automotive industry at just 17 years old when he signed up for an apprenticeship. Fast forward to today, and Mick, along with his wife, Lisa, has more than 33 years of experience and an extensive knowledge in automotive repairs. He offers a variety of services, including general repairs and roadworthy assessments. “We not only do the roadworthy, we can usually do the work to pass,” Mick said. He can also work on any car, and focuses on having an honest conversation with his clients about their vehicles. Mick Handley Automotive LV RSHQ ¿YH GD\V D ZHHN Monday to Friday - visit his Facebook page for more information. Mick Handley and his wife, Lisa, have been operating Mick Handley Automotive for the past 10 years in Bairnsdale. Come visit the team at 67 Forge Creek Road, Bairnsdale Drop in to get a free quote for solar, batteries or EV chargers. 1300 447 765 )RU WKH KLJKHVW TXDOLW\ VHUYLFH SURPSW SLFNXS GHOLYHU\ GD\V D ZHHN $OO YHKLFOHV DUH IXOO\ LQVXUHG LQ WUDQVLW &DOO .LP 0RQ 6XQ $// +2856 SURJUHVVLYHFDUIUHLJKWHUV FRP DX Sevicing Victoria & beyond! EN21397
BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU | 23 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 Get tails wagging at Paws Pamper and Play Paws Pamper and Play, based in Bairnsdale, is a boutique doggy daycare specialising in off leash play for dog-friendly dogs, and puppy training tailored to the individual personalities of each pup. Operating for seven years, Paws Pamper and 3OD\ LV FRQVWDQWO\ UH¿QLQJ LWV SK\VLFDO VSDFH DV ZHOO DV LWV VHUYLFHV VR DV WR RIIHU LWV GRJV WKH PRVW IXQ GD\ HYHU ZKLOH JHWWLQJ DQ DEXQGDQFH of exercise. $ VWUHQJWK RI 3DZV 3DPSHU DQG 3OD\ KDV DOZD\V EHHQ UHFRJQLVLQJ WKDW HDFK GRJ KDV WKHLU RZQ XQLTXH SHUVRQDOLW\ DOVR LQÀXHQFHG E\ EUHHG DQG OLIH H[SHULHQFH VR ZKDW LQWHUHVWV DQG EULQJV MR\ WR RQH GRJ FDQ FDXVH VWUHVV DQG IHDU LQ DQRWKHU $V VXFK GD\FDUH LV QRW VXLWDEOH IRU DOO GRJV EXW LI \RXU GRJ ORYHV WKH FRPSDQ\ RI RWKHU GRJV WKH\ FRXOG ¿QG WKHLU EHVW IULHQG IRUHYHU among its visiting dogs. $QG WKH EHVW ELW IRU \RX" $IWHU D GD\ DW WKH GD\FDUH WKH\ VOHHS DOO QLJKW DQG WKH GD\ IROORZLQJ WKHLU YLVLW Paws Pamper and Play’s newest services are small group puppy training classes, puppy SOD\ DQG WUDLQ SDFNDJHV DQG LWV EUHHG VSHFL¿F SOD\ GD\V VWDUWLQJ ZLWK LWV RRGOH SOD\ GD\ RQ )ULGD\ 0DUFK 2RGOHV LV WKH ORRVH WHUP JLYHQ WR D EUHHG RI GRJ WKDW KDV EHHQ FURVVHG ZLWK D SRRGOH VXFK DV D FDYRRGOH [ FDYDOLHU VSRRGOH [ VSDQLHO ODEUDGRRGOH [ ODEUDGRU JURRGOH [ JROGHQ UHWULHYHU ERUGRRGOH [ ERUGHU FROOLH HWF 7KH UHDVRQ IRU LQWURGXFLQJ WKHVH EUHHG VSHFL¿F SOD\ GD\V LV EHFDXVH VDIHO\ LQWURGXFLQJ GRJV WR RII OHDVK VRFLDO SOD\ LV GHSHQGDQW XSRQ PDWFKLQJ GRJV ZLWK VLPLODU HQHUJ\ OHYHOV DQG SOD\ VW\OHV DV ZHOO DV PDNLQJ VXUH WKDW HDFK GRJ LV VRFLDOO\ LQWHOOLJHQW HQRXJK WR UHDG DQG UHVSHFW WKH ERG\ ODQJXDJH RI WKHLU SRWHQWLDO playmates. ,I WKHUH DUH GRJV RI WKH VDPH EUHHG WKH\ WHQG WR JUDYLWDWH WRZDUGV GRJV ZKR ORRN OLNH WKHP PD\EH GXH WR PHPRULHV RI SOD\LQJ ZLWK WKHLU OLWWHUPDWHV" DQG WKH\ WHQG WR KDYH VLPLODU SOD\ VW\OH DV ZHOO VR QR RQH LV RIIHQGHG E\ PLVXQGHUVWDQGLQJ WKH EHKDYLRXU RI WKH RWKHU 6R VWDUWLQJ )ULGD\ 0DUFK ZLWK WKH RRGOH SOD\ GD\ WKH QH[W VFKHGXOHG EUHHG VSHFL¿F play days are: )ULGD\ 0DUFK *ROGHQ 5HWULHYHUV )ULGD\ 0DUFK 0LQL 'DFKVKXQGV )ULGD\ 0DUFK -DFN 5XVVHOO 7HUULHUV )ULGD\ $SULO %HDJOHV )ULGD\ $SULO *HUPDQ 6KRUW +DLUHG Pointers )ULGD\ $SULO )UHQFK %XOOGRJV Based in Bairnsdale, Paws Pamper and Play is a doggy daycare specialising in off leash play and puppy tailored training. The business has been in operation for seven years, and in that time has been UH¿QLQJ LWV VSDFH DQG LWV VHUYLFH All things linemarking Tarmac Linemarking, located at 15B Rovan Place, Bairnsdale, serves as a hub for all your linemarking needs. :LWK D GHGLFDWHG WHDP RI H[SHULHQFHG RSHUDWRUV WKH\ H[FHO LQ URDG SDYHPHQW DLUSRUW DQG carpark markings, sports courts, playground DQG DELOLWLHV PDUNLQJV Tarmac Linemarking is committed to deOLYHULQJ KLJK TXDOLW\ ZRUN DW DIIRUGDEOH SULFHV KDYLQJ HVWDEOLVKHG D VWURQJ UHSXWDWLRQ WKURXJKRXW VRXWKHDVW 9LFWRULD 7DUPDF /LQHPDUNLQJ UHFRJQL]HV WKH FUXFLDO UROH OLQHPDUNLQJ SOD\V LQ HQKDQFLQJ VDIHW\ RI WKH FRPPXQLW\ HQVXULQJ FOHDU URDG JXLGDQFH delineating parking spaces, creating accessiEOH SDWKZD\V RU WUDQVIRUPLQJ VSRUWV FRXUWV and playgrounds. :KHWKHU \RX GULYH ZDON F\FOH RU SOD\ QR MRE LV WRR ELJ RU WRR VPDOO 7DUPDF /LQHPDUNLQJ KDV \RX FRYHUHG Tarmac Linemarking, located in Bairnsdale, has a dedicated team of operators to excel in road pavement, airport and carpark markings, sports courts, playground and abilities markings. WEST END OF TOWN THE TOP END OF TOWN 0488009978 | PAWSPAMPERANDPLAY.COM.AU | PAWS@PAWSPAMPERANDPLAY.COM.AU PUPPY.Play Whether it’s early learning, socialization or just some extra play time, If your dog enjoys the company of other dogs, Paws, Pamper & Play might be the place for you and your four-legged friends! Doggy Daycare rates ̸ Casual Full Day - $70 | Casual Half Day – $55 Regular Full Day – $65 | Regular Half Day - $50̸ Small group puppy training Each Monday evening - $35 per session.̸ Puppy play & train package ̸ $395 value for only $270! • 3 x one-on-one training sessions̸ • 3 x half-day daycare sessions EN21390 linemarking 0484 150 400 15b Rovan Pl, Bairnsdale Whether you DRIVE, WALK, CYCLE or PLAY EN21393
| BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU 24 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 Bowling up a feast A rich part of the town’s fabric, Bairnsdale Bowls Club has been a popular meeting place for locals and visitors since its opening in 1901. Today, the family-friendly club features an excellent bistro and entertainment facility, three bars, a members’ and public lounge, three grass bowling greens and four fullsize croquet lawns. The club’s fully-licensed Krakkerjack Bistro is a favourite with locals, offering a seasonal menu of mouth-watering and reasonably-priced meals incorporating fresh, local ingredients whenever possible. Krakkerjack is open for lunch every day – and dinner six days a week. Daily special meals are offered, and club members enjoy discounts on food and beverages. The bistro’s lunch menu includes slowcooked roast of the day, local catch of the day, chicken parma, local 300-gram porterhouse steak, and Greek lamb souvlaki and chips, to name a few. If you are there for dinner, your meal options include prawn pesto penne with mushroom and spinach, sous vide minted rosemary lamb rack, creamy garlic prawns with rice pilaf, penne bolognese, satay chicken tender skewers infused in Moroccan spices, and much more. The bistro also offers toasted sandwiches and a selected range of $15 light/ senior meals, as well as kids meals (for those aged under LQFOXGLQJ ¿VK DQG FKLSV nuggets and chips, a half-size chicken schnitzel and chips, and a range of other kids’ meal choices. All adult lunch and dinner meals are served with your choice of chips/salad or vegetables, and both menus include gluten-free and vegetarian options. The Krakkerjack Bistro is open for lunch every day from noon to 2pm, and for dinner Monday to Saturday from 6pm-8pm. The club also runs regular promotions throughout the year, offering the chance to win a prize. These promotions currently include Thursday and Friday night members’ draws, and )ULGD\ QLJKW UDIÀHV Bairnsdale Bowls Club is also a popular event venue, with a function room that can cater for more than 100 guests. The club has excellent on and off-street car parking, as well as free Wi-Fi for members and guests. Bairnsdale Bowls Club is located at the corner of Grant and Pearson Streets Bairnsdale, and is open Monday to Saturday from 9.30am to late, and Sundays from 10am to 8pm. WEST END OF TOWN THE TOP END OF TOWN All things hydraulics East Vic Hydraulics has been servicing East Gippsland since 2009. An authorised dealer for Hydraulink, Bobcat, Kärcher Professional, and McCormick Tractors, East Vic Hydraulics offers sales, service, warranties and spare parts. Its workshop services include: - Hydraulic and mechanical breakdown and repairs - Full fabrication and machine workshop 3ODVPD FXWWLQJ ZHOGLQJ ¿WWLQJ DQG WXUQLQJ From earthmoving equipment to cooking baskets, no job is too big or too small. The team at East Vic Hydraulics are dedicatHG WR GHOLYHULQJ IDVW HI¿FLHQW VHUYLFH WR RXU FXVWRPHUV ¿UVW WLPH HYHU\ WLPH For all your servicing and repair needs look no further than Bryan Skeen Automotive. Bryan started in the automotive industry with an apprenticeship when he was 17 years old, and has owned his business for 31 years, starting in 1993. Bryan Skeen offers services and repairs, as well as caravan mirror installation and diesel mechanic work. Bairnsdale Bowls Club has been a meeting place for both visitors and locals since 1901, and features a bistro, entertainment facility, bowling greens and more. SHANE ANDERSON 0400749508 | 51521454 11 Collins Street, Bairnsdale All radiator repairs, cleanouts, recores, changeovers, industrial radiators, earthmoving & truck radiators ABN 38 485 903 255 Phone: (03) 5152 5778| Address 16 Lawless St, Bairnsdale VIC 3875 Melbourne Depots: VFS Dandenong 13-17 Progress St Dandenong South 3175 COUNTRY TRANSPORT SPECIALISTS • General Freight • Hay • Machinery • Wool • Refrigerated Freight • Farm Equipment • Containers Daily services between OMEO – BAIRNSDALE – MALLACOOTA – MELBOURNE FedEx-TNT onforwarder for East Gippsland area
BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU | 25 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 WEST END OF TOWN THE TOP END OF TOWN EVCG goes gangbusters Eastern Victorian Construction Group (EVCG) is comprised of a dynamic team of young enthusiastic carpenters, administration staff and experienced builders. Ingomar Matthes and Ben Frew head the team as directors of the company. While they are still relatively new in the Gippsland commercial building sector, they have evolved rapidly since 2019 and continue to grow. EVCG covers projects from Sale through to Mallacoota and all areas of East Gippsland in between - from Swifts Creek all the way to the coast. Some of their completed works in the local area are Hungry Jack's, Peter Dullard Motor group Service Centre, the Gymnastics Centre at Lucknow opened last year, the new Orbost Community college, Eagle point Foreshore hub and The Off the Wharf café on Bullock Island. They also build residential homes through their very own EVCG Homes which complements the commercial side of their business. EVCG Homes is headed by its very own experienced residential sales manager, John Lizars. John has been selling homes in the region for more than 45 years and he brings all his experience to build up EVCG homes division. If you're looking to begin your next commercial or residential project, contact EVCG via phone or email, or check out their Facebook page. Greenwoods Wheel Alignments is a family-owned and operated business that has been providing quality automotive services since 1983. Taken over by Trevor and Kerry Greenwood's son-in-law, Drew Squires and his wife, Carmen, the Bairnsdale-based business offers a wide range of services including full wheel alignments for all types of vehicles, from trucks and trailers to four- wheel drives, motorhomes and caravan/ camper trailers. Having the only axel correction machine in East Gippsland enables specialisation in the wheel alignment industry as they've got the kind of gear needed for the big jobs including the ability to source after- market parts HVSHFLDOO\ IRU VRPH IRXU ZKHHO GULYHV WR ¿[ alignment issues. Their team of experienced technicians can perform mechanical repairs, including suspension repairs, ensuring that your vehicle is in top condition and operating smoothly. Overall, Greenwoods Wheel Alignments is a reliable and reputable automotive service provider in Bairnsdale. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has made them a trusted choice for many vehicle owners in the area. If you're looking for expert wheel alignment, Kerry and Trevor Greenwood have passed on their business, T.N & K.A Greenwood, to their son-in-law, Drew Squires and his wife, Carmen, who have changed the business name to Greenwoods Wheel Alignments. Kerry and Trevor Greenwood. Greenwoods’ new blood balancing, and mechanical repair services, you can count on Greenwoods Wheel Alignments. Eastern Victorian Construction Group (EVCG) have completed a number of commercial and residential projects, including the construction of the newly opened Orbost Community College. Your trusted commercial & residential builders in Gippsland. 12 Campbells Drive, Bairnsdale | | (03) 5153 1072 EN20942 BAIRNSDALE BOWLS CLUB Incorporating Bairnsdale Croquet Club PHONE: 5152 3796 Cnr Grant Street & Pearson Street, Bairnsdale Open: Mon - Sun 9.30am - LATE Krakkerjack BISTRO LUNCH: Monday - Sunday 12pm - 2pm | DINNER: Monday - Sunday 6pm - 8pm 8 Gordon St, Bairnsdale 3875 Ph: 5152 6178 Greenwood Wheel Allignments ~ Est 1983 ~ nsdale 3875 Ph: 5152 6178 t
| BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU 26 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 GP Motors was established in South Melbourne in the 1920s before moving to Bairnsdale in the 1930s. Based in Bairnsdale, GP Motors is the preferred smash repairer for all leading insurance companies along with 24hour emergency towing services. GP Motors was established in the 1920s in South Melbourne, and originally sold galvanised products before moving to Bairnsdale in the 1930s. From there, GP Motors became a car dealership and automotive repairer. Fast forward to today, and GP Motors uses up-to-date equipment and experienced technicians to ensure your car is always running at its best - you can rest assured knowing your vehicle is in good hands with GP Motors. GP Motors offer a variety of services, including: - Smash repairs and painting - Road worthy certificates - General vehicle service - 24-hour towing - Pre-purchase inspection - Child restraint fitting WEST END OF TOWN THE TOP END OF TOWN B&D’s personal touch B&D Doors’ Jarryd and David Veenstra have a proud reputation for providing quality products. Confused about buying your next garage door? Not sure where to start? Over the past 14 years David and Michelle Veenstra, with their son, Jarryd, have built a garage door solution business that works personally with the home builder, renovator, and builders within the Gippsland community - B&D Garage Doors. Their showroom at 7 Collins Street, Bairnsdale, is open each Tuesday from 9.30am to 4pm and customers can experience working demonstrations of B&D's doors and motors, along with the many accessories. Alternatively, David can come to your house and help with choosing the right door and accessories for your needs. Maintaining your door is important to keep it in good running condition. When did you last have your door serviced? Give them a call and they can make sure that your door keeps running smoothly for years to come. Safety, security, and beauty are added to your home with a B&D garage door. As the only B&D accredited dealer servicing the area from Rosedale to Mallacoota, David and Michelle have developed a proud reputation for providing quality products and backing them with second-to-none service. Smash repair experts All makes and models. New & used car log book servicing. Latest diagnostic equipment. Competitive rates. Roadworthys. 7 Collins Street, Bairnsdale | 5153 2239 Showroom open Tuesday & Thursday | 9.30am - 4pm All enquiries, phone David 0412 516 433 | Monday to Friday INSTALLATION & SERVICING ALL OF EAST GIPPSLAND • QUALIFIED MARINE TECHNICIAN • MARINE & BOATING ACCESSORIES • ALL YOUR SAFETY NEEDS • CERTIFIED LIFE JACKET SERVICING • EAST GIPPSLANDS LARGEST MARINE CHANDLERY STORE WWW.RIVIERAMARINECENTRE.COM.AU | 59 FORGE CREEK ROAD, BAIRNSDALE | 0475 899 574 ONLINE AND INSTORE FOR ALL YOUR MARINE PRODUCTS AND NEEDS.
BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU | 27 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 One-stop mechanics Platinum Service Centre Bairnsdale specialises in car servicing for all makes and models, LQFOXGLQJ FRPPHUFLDO ÀHHW YHKLFOHV ROG DQG new. Platinum Service Centre is a one-stop shop for its customers. Let them do the run around while your warranty remains in the one shop. 7KH\ RQO\ XVH TXDOLW\ SDUWV DQG ÀXLGV LQ HYHU\ FDU VHUYLFH DQG RXU PHFKDQLFV DUH IXOO\ TXDOL¿HG meaning the job is done right and your warranty remains intact. At Platinum Service Centre they care about the VDIHW\ RI \RX DQG \RXU SDVVHQJHUV ZKLFK LV ZK\ they go that little bit extra to help you keep safe. They perform a free tyre check with every service to help ensure these critical components are up to the task of keeping you safe on the road. 7KH\ ZLOO DOVR VXSSO\ ¿W DQG UHSDLU W\UHV DV required. 7KHLU IXOO\ TXDOL¿HG ORJ ERRN VHUYLFLQJ HQVXUHV \RXU FDU LV LQ VDIH KDQGV DQG WKH\ SURYLGH TXDOLW\ FDU VHUYLFH DQG UHSDLUV RQ DOO PRGHOV LQFOXGLQJ four wheel drive and diesel vehicles. They can service new cars and Platinum Service Centre mechanics are more than happy to validate your log book when they service your FDU SURWHFWLQJ \RX IXUWKHU Platinum Service Centre is proud to be an Australian-owned and operated workshop servicing the local community of Bairnsdale. They believe motorists in Bairnsdale deserve the very best in customer service and technical H[SHUWLVH WKDW V ZK\ WKH\ FKRRVH WR EH D SDUW RI $XVWUDOLD V ODUJHVW LQGHSHQGHQW QHWZRUN RI PHFKDQLFDO ZRUNVKRSV SURXGO\ EDFNHG E\ WKH ELJJHVW QDPH LQ WKH EXVLQHVV 5HSFR 3ODWLQXP 6HUYLFH &HQWUH ORFDWHG LQ 5RYDQ 3ODFH LV RSHQ ¿YH GD\V D ZHHN RSHQLQJ 0RQGD\ to Friday from 8am to 5pm. WEST END OF TOWN THE TOP END OF TOWN 5DFKDHO 'DOWRQ 'DQLHO 'MRNLF (WKDQ 3U\VH DQG 5RG %RZPDQ DW 3ODWLQXP 6HUYLFH &HQWUH Bairnsdale. Locally owned and operated Locals Paul and Liz Hadden took over Riviera ConFUHWH %DLUQVGDOH PRUH WKDQ WZR \HDUV DJR Paul was managing the business previously for a number RI \HDUV DQG RYHU WKLV WLPH LW KDV JURZQ LQ VWDII RSSRUWXQLties and business. 5LYLHUD &RQFUHWH KDV D GLVplay area of exposed concretes that people can come and look DW GLVFXVV DQG PDNH GHFLVLRQV about what they would like for their home or planning areas. 7KH WHDP DW 5LYLHUD &RQFUHWH can also make sleepers for garGHQV IHQFHV HWF The team has been involved in the growth of many commercial businesses around WRZQ LQFOXGLQJ .PDUW 'DQ 0XUSK\ V 'DKOVHQV 6:) 0F'RQDOGV DV ZHOO DV VFKRROV building upon and other local DUHDV IRU KRXVLQJ IRRWSDWKV and sheds. 5LYLHUD &RQFUHWH EDVHG LQ %DLUQVGDOH ZDV WDNHQ RYHU E\ ORFDOV 3DXO DQG /L] +DGGHQ PRUH WKDQ WZR \HDUV DJR YOUR LOCAL HIRE, BRICK & PAVER EXPERTS 5153 0330 | 696 Main Street Bairnsdale 171 Bosworth Road, Bairnsdale 0457 001 077 FOR ALL YOUR CONCRETE SUPPLY NEEDS WITHIN BAIRNSDALE & SURROUNDS OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 603 Main Street, Bairnsdale 5152 4324 | EN21458
| BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU 28 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 WEST END OF TOWN THE TOP END OF TOWN Solar solutions with Solahart Solahart Bairnsdale has been supplying and installing hundreds of solar-energy systems to homes, businesses and QRW IRU SUR¿W RUJDQLVDWLRQV LQ WKH (DVW Gippsland region. Solahart Bairnsdale is helping to bring sustainable and cost-effective solar energy solutions to homes, businesses and QRW IRU SURILW RUJDQLVDWLRQV DFURVV (DVW Gippsland. Along with supplying and installing hundreds of solar-energy systems to homes in the region, the company has also installed large-scale solar systems at an array of large local businesses and organisations, including Lakes Entrance Surf Life Saving Club, Lakes Entrance Football Netball Club and Recreation Reserve, four Spin City laundromats, Bairnsdale Bowls Club, and many more. Director of Solahart Bairnsdale, Rob Rawlings, said his business also supplies and installs latest technology domestic and commercial solar hot water, energy storage and smart management systems right across East Gippsland and surrounds, from Sale to Orbost. "We're proud to be leading Australia's solar charge, and helping smart Gippslanders to make a real difference to the planet, while cutting their energy bills," Rob said. OPPORTUNITY Originally opening his own solar-energy business in Lakes Entrance in 2010, Rob said that when he saw an opportunity to join the longstanding and highly regarded Solahart network (part of the Rheem group), he "jumped at the chance". "I saw a real need for a reliable, customer-focused local solar provider in the East Gippsland region, and becoming an authorised Solahart dealer has brought many unique advantages to the business and our customers," he explained. $'9$17$*(6 Rob said some of these advantages include the opportunity to benefit from Solahart's 70 years of industry expertise and experience, extensive local warranties, dedicated and fully-trained professional installers, and "unrivalled quality". "Solahart offers an exclusive range of premium products that have been rigorously tried and tested over many years – in the harshest Australian conditions – to meet the highest standards of reliability, performance and durability," Rob said. "In addition, our professional installers are all fully trained to meet Solahart's exacting standards. "We employ local tradespeople who are all Clean Energy Council (CEC) certified, and we pride ourselves on delivering excellent customer service, from initial contact at the front office or on the phone, to helping customers all the way through to completion, and beyond. "We're proud to have been ranked best in Canstar Blue's 2023 review of solar installers in Australia, with Solahart earning Five Stars across all research categories in 2023, including overall satisfaction, customer service and advice, durability and the installation process. "Our team at Solahart Bairnsdale works closely with each customer to ensure we install the right solar system to suit their needs. "We always start with a free on-site solar assessment, before professionally installing and rigorously testing each system installation after completion. "Every system is backed by a trusted Solahart Australia Product Warranty and – in the unlikely event of a problem – you can rest assured that Solahart will be there to fix it." Solahart is located at 467 Princes Highway, Bairnsdale, and is open Monday to Thursday from 9am to 4.30pm, and Fridays from 9am to 4pm. To arrange a free on-site solar assessment or find out more, call 1300 724 460 or visit * )!%'* '%))' * !#%(& ! ) *PH: 5152 2510 PRE-TRAVEL CHASSIS SERVICE SPECIAL SINGLE AXLE $300 + PARTS %#")*#(" )&* %#"!('&* * &)! !('& TANDEM AXLE $410 + PARTS %#")*#(" )&* %#"!('&* * &)! !('& ALL MAKES INCLUDES: *Brakes* * )" *$ )%!'#$( * &*%) $ ) *" )!( **#( & )"'#$( *! &' )('* *%) $%' *Bearings* * ) $ )*!( *" )!( *#(& )"'#$( **%) !" %)!&) *%) #'*!( *! &' *Suspension* * (& )"'#$(*!( * ) **" )" * $ ('#( & '$% )* $ '& *%) $%' *Tyres & Wheels* * (& )"'#$( *' %)* %)&& %)& *%) $%' *Wheel Alignment* * )" * *%) $%'* ! &' )('&*) '%! *Corner Stands* * (& )"'#$(* * ) *Tow Coupling* * (& )"'#$(* * ) *'$% )* $ '& *'$ " * !#(' *Running Lights* * )" *$ )%!'#$(* *%) $%' *Jockey Wheel* * (& )"'#$(* * ) *Mudflaps* * (& )"'#$(* "$( #'#$(*!( * $ ('#( & *Under Body Inspection* * )" %#' *$ *'!( & * $&)& # )& *"! )&* * #%#( * *%) $%' Gippsland CARAVAN SERVICE CENTRE DIESEL HEATERS FROM $1,350 INCLUDING INSTALLATION AND FUEL ADDITIVE (EXTRA FOR TANK GUARD IF REQUIRED) Annual Gippsland *Savings applied as a point-of-sale discount at the time of purchase for Solahart Solar Power and GoodWe Battery Package: (a) Save $450 on 5kW and above (system size refers to the total kW output capacity of solar panels installed), (b) Save $50 per GoodWe Lynx F G2 battery module, with a minimum purchase of 3 modules (9.6 kWh) up to a maximum rebate of $450. Purchasing only the battery for an existing solar power system may incur additional costs for a compatible hybrid inverter. These offers are available from 01/02/2024 until 30/04/2024 and are subject to stock availability. Excludes commercial installations. Participating Solahart Dealers only. Not available in conjunction with any other offer or promotion unless otherwise stated. Discounts are not transferable or redeemable for cash. See for full details. © Solahart Industries Pty Ltd (2024). Solahart and the Solahart logo are registered trademarks of Solahart Industries Pty Ltd. ^Available to approved applicants only and subject to completion of satisfactory credit check. Minimum monthly repayments are required. Paying only the minimum monthly repayment amount will generally not repay a purchase within the interest free period. A monthly account fee of $9.95 will also apply and a one-off establishment fee may apply for new customers. Any balance outstanding at the expiry of the interest free period will be charged at the standard variable interest rate, 25.9% per annum as at 1 June 2023. Other charges may be payable; see T&Cs. Interest, fees and charges subject to change. Terms & Conditions apply and are available on application. See your contract for further details. Credit provided by ZipMoney Payments Pty Ltd (ABN 58 164 440 993), Australian Credit Licence Number 441878) b Call 1300 724 460 or visit 1/467 Main Street, Bairnsdale PLUS get up to 60 months interest free^ on any Solahart residential system TURN SUNSHINE INTO SAVINGS WITH SOLAHART SAVE $1000* ON A SOLAHART SOLAR POWER SYSTEM & BATTERY PACKAGE UP TO SAVE $550* when you purchase a Solahart Solar Power system (5kW and above) SMART SOLAR SYSTEM SAVEUP TO $450* when you purchase a GoodWe Lynx F (Minimum 3 modules) GOODWE MODULAR BATTERY
BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU | 29 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 WEST END OF TOWN THE TOP END OF TOWN Grinter’s long history of carting W Grinter and Sons began in 1946 by William "Bill" Grinter, carting general freight including timber, wool, fuel and groceries to and from Swifts Creek to Bairnsdale. In 1953 Bill's two sons Ron and Tom joined the business, eventually taking it over. Craig, eldest son of Tom, started driving trucks DV VRRQ DV KH WXUQHG DQG RI¿FLDOO\ VWDUWHG working for the company in 1988. Ron's son Will also started working in the business and is still is a current driver of the family company. Craig went on to take over the business in 2009 and is still currently operating the company today. His son and daughter joined the business in 2021 making it the fourth generation to be involved in the family business. What started out as a one man, one truck operation from Bairnsdale to the High Country, has now expanded to having 35 employees and around 30 vehicles, ranging from vans and tray trucks to B-double semis, delivering freight daily to all areas of East Gippsland. For the past 15 years Grinter Transport has been working with Victorian Freight Specialists to provide an overnight freight service from Melbourne to East Gippsland. In recent years Grinters have also been able to offer container services. With their side loader we're able to provide pick-up and delivery of 20ft and 40ft containers. As of June last year, Grinter Transport also became the East Gippsland on-forwarder for Fedex. In 2026 W Grinter and Sons will have been operating for 80 years. Grinters Transport aim to continue to grow and SURYLGH JUHDW HI¿FLHQW TXDOLW\ VHUYLFH WR WKH DUHD of East Gippsland. Three generations of Grinter - Craig, Sam and Tom (grandfather). (PS) Bill Grinter and his son, Tom. (PS) Grinter Transport’s newest Kenworth “in memory of Tommy Grinter”. (PS) Bill (grandfather) Tom (son) and Craig (grandson) Grinter. (PS) 40 Forge Creek Rd, Bairnsdale|0435 887 040|| Independent Builders Gippsland are your friendly and professional local Gippsland builders. The team at Independent Builders Gippsland continually strive for excellence with every home built and are dedicated to maintaining a reputation as quality custom home builders you can trust. Our clients can rest assured the registered builder taking charge of their purchase of a lifetime will deliver a beautiful quality-built home. Visit our display home! 18 Lomandra Blvd, Lucknow EN21201
| BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU 30 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 WEST END OF TOWN THE TOP END OF TOWN A proud history of Slates Slates Cleaning and Handy Services has been in business for close to 30 years and owner, Glenis Slater, couldn't be more proud of her business and how things are going. Located on Bosworth Road in Bairnsdale, Slates services far and wide, from Bairnsdale WR 2UERVW WKURXJK WR 2PHR +H\¿HOG 6DOH Paynesville, Metung and even Mallacoota. :KHQ WKH FRPSDQ\ ¿UVW HPHUJHG LQ LW was a one-person show. Utilising hard work, good values and perseverance, the business now has 30 staff members who are all passionate about helping the community with whatever cleaning needs they require. Originally, Glenis received a job coordinating all of the cleaning for Vegco, but had to operate as her own company. With this, Slates Cleaning and Handy Services was born. Starting out mostly cleaning homes and similar venues the business eventually moved to commercial buildings. "We love making a difference for people and helping them with whatever they need," Glenis said. "It not only makes me happy, it makes my VWDII KDSS\ DV ZHOO ZKHQ WKH\ VHH D VDWLV¿HG customer." The motto "We do anything that you don't want to do yourself!" describes how professional Slates Cleaning is and how much pride they take in their work. Slates staff also pride themselves on making VXUH FXVWRPHUV DUH IXOO\ VDWLV¿HG ZLWK WKH ZRUN that has been done in their home or business. Slates Cleaning and Handy Services also offers 24-hour emergency service, in case customers need them in an instant. This is just part of their dedication to provide WKH YHU\ EHVW FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH LQ WKHLU ¿HOG Today, the well-respected small business can take on just about any job thrown their way. The number of ways in which Slates can help with cleaning needs is seemingly endless; with their abilities ranging from general cleaning WR LWHP VSHFL¿F MREV RU VSHFLDOW\ VHUYLFHV OLNH environmentally friendly cleaning or trauma scene clean up. Slates' company goal is to provide customers ZLWK D ¿UVW FODVV IULHQGO\ SURIHVVLRQDO VHUYLFH and a long-lasting relationship for years to come. For reliable, squeaky-clean service, see Slates. Based in Bairnsdale, Slates Cleaning and Handy Services has been operating for more almost 30 years and owner, Glenis Slater, couldn’t be more happy with how her business was going. Radiators sorted Bairnsdale Radiators is a specialist radiator supplier and repairer all over East Gippsland region. Bairnsdale Radiators provides only the best quality radiators from the best radiator suppliers, with more than 28 years of experience. You can be assured you are getting the best radiator repairs, air conditioning repairs, degassing and re-gassing available to you. If you need a new radiator or a radiator repair then call Bairnsdale Radiators. Bairnsdale Radiators offer the following services: - Radiator repairs and installation - New radiator sales - Commercial radiators - Automotive radiators - Radiator repairs - Industrial radiators - Flushing, clean outs, repairs to all makes and models of radiators 5DGLDWRU ÀXVK Bairnsdale Radiators are open Monday to Friday from 8am- SP FKHFN RXW WKHLU )DFHERRN page for more information. %DLUQVGDOH 5DGLDWRUV SURYLGHV D YDULHW\ RI VHUYLFHV LQFOXGLQJ UDGLDWRU UHSDLUV LQVWDOODWLRQ DQG VDOHV DV ZHOO DV ÀXVKLQJ and clean outs. SERVING BAIRNSDALE, EAST GIPPSLAND & OMEO VALLEY 5152 4191 | A/H TOWING: 0427 005 939 519 PRINCES HWY, BAIRNSDALE 0412 539 747 Email: Specialising in: • Office & Home Cleaning • Builders’ Cleans • Spring Cleans • House Sales & Rentals