| BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU 30 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 WEST END OF TOWN THE TOP END OF TOWN A proud history of Slates Slates Cleaning and Handy Services has been in business for close to 30 years and owner, Glenis Slater, couldn't be more proud of her business and how things are going. Located on Bosworth Road in Bairnsdale, Slates services far and wide, from Bairnsdale WR 2UERVW WKURXJK WR 2PHR +H\¿HOG 6DOH Paynesville, Metung and even Mallacoota. :KHQ WKH FRPSDQ\ ¿UVW HPHUJHG LQ LW was a one-person show. Utilising hard work, good values and perseverance, the business now has 30 staff members who are all passionate about helping the community with whatever cleaning needs they require. Originally, Glenis received a job coordinating all of the cleaning for Vegco, but had to operate as her own company. With this, Slates Cleaning and Handy Services was born. Starting out mostly cleaning homes and similar venues the business eventually moved to commercial buildings. "We love making a difference for people and helping them with whatever they need," Glenis said. "It not only makes me happy, it makes my VWDII KDSS\ DV ZHOO ZKHQ WKH\ VHH D VDWLV¿HG customer." The motto "We do anything that you don't want to do yourself!" describes how professional Slates Cleaning is and how much pride they take in their work. Slates staff also pride themselves on making VXUH FXVWRPHUV DUH IXOO\ VDWLV¿HG ZLWK WKH ZRUN that has been done in their home or business. Slates Cleaning and Handy Services also offers 24-hour emergency service, in case customers need them in an instant. This is just part of their dedication to provide WKH YHU\ EHVW FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH LQ WKHLU ¿HOG Today, the well-respected small business can take on just about any job thrown their way. The number of ways in which Slates can help with cleaning needs is seemingly endless; with their abilities ranging from general cleaning WR LWHP VSHFL¿F MREV RU VSHFLDOW\ VHUYLFHV OLNH environmentally friendly cleaning or trauma scene clean up. Slates' company goal is to provide customers ZLWK D ¿UVW FODVV IULHQGO\ SURIHVVLRQDO VHUYLFH and a long-lasting relationship for years to come. For reliable, squeaky-clean service, see Slates. Based in Bairnsdale, Slates Cleaning and Handy Services has been operating for more almost 30 years and owner, Glenis Slater, couldn’t be more happy with how her business was going. Radiators sorted Bairnsdale Radiators is a specialist radiator supplier and repairer all over East Gippsland region. Bairnsdale Radiators provides only the best quality radiators from the best radiator suppliers, with more than 28 years of experience. You can be assured you are getting the best radiator repairs, air conditioning repairs, degassing and re-gassing available to you. If you need a new radiator or a radiator repair then call Bairnsdale Radiators. Bairnsdale Radiators offer the following services: - Radiator repairs and installation - New radiator sales - Commercial radiators - Automotive radiators - Radiator repairs - Industrial radiators - Flushing, clean outs, repairs to all makes and models of radiators 5DGLDWRU ÀXVK Bairnsdale Radiators are open Monday to Friday from 8am- SP FKHFN RXW WKHLU )DFHERRN page for more information. %DLUQVGDOH 5DGLDWRUV SURYLGHV D YDULHW\ RI VHUYLFHV LQFOXGLQJ UDGLDWRU UHSDLUV LQVWDOODWLRQ DQG VDOHV DV ZHOO DV ÀXVKLQJ and clean outs. SERVING BAIRNSDALE, EAST GIPPSLAND & OMEO VALLEY 5152 4191 | A/H TOWING: 0427 005 939 519 PRINCES HWY, BAIRNSDALE 0412 539 747 Email: admin@slatescleaning.com.au Specialising in: • Office & Home Cleaning • Builders’ Cleans • Spring Cleans • House Sales & Rentals