West End of Town

BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU | 27 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2024 One-stop mechanics Platinum Service Centre Bairnsdale specialises in car servicing for all makes and models, LQFOXGLQJ FRPPHUFLDO ÀHHW YHKLFOHV ROG DQG new. Platinum Service Centre is a one-stop shop for its customers. Let them do the run around while your warranty remains in the one shop. 7KH\ RQO\ XVH TXDOLW\ SDUWV DQG ÀXLGV LQ HYHU\ FDU VHUYLFH DQG RXU PHFKDQLFV DUH IXOO\ TXDOL¿HG meaning the job is done right and your warranty remains intact. At Platinum Service Centre they care about the VDIHW\ RI \RX DQG \RXU SDVVHQJHUV ZKLFK LV ZK\ they go that little bit extra to help you keep safe. They perform a free tyre check with every service to help ensure these critical components are up to the task of keeping you safe on the road. 7KH\ ZLOO DOVR VXSSO\ ¿W DQG UHSDLU W\UHV DV required. 7KHLU IXOO\ TXDOL¿HG ORJ ERRN VHUYLFLQJ HQVXUHV \RXU FDU LV LQ VDIH KDQGV DQG WKH\ SURYLGH TXDOLW\ FDU VHUYLFH DQG UHSDLUV RQ DOO PRGHOV LQFOXGLQJ four wheel drive and diesel vehicles. They can service new cars and Platinum Service Centre mechanics are more than happy to validate your log book when they service your FDU SURWHFWLQJ \RX IXUWKHU Platinum Service Centre is proud to be an Australian-owned and operated workshop servicing the local community of Bairnsdale. They believe motorists in Bairnsdale deserve the very best in customer service and technical H[SHUWLVH WKDW V ZK\ WKH\ FKRRVH WR EH D SDUW RI $XVWUDOLD V ODUJHVW LQGHSHQGHQW QHWZRUN RI PHFKDQLFDO ZRUNVKRSV SURXGO\ EDFNHG E\ WKH ELJJHVW QDPH LQ WKH EXVLQHVV 5HSFR 3ODWLQXP 6HUYLFH &HQWUH ORFDWHG LQ 5RYDQ 3ODFH LV RSHQ ¿YH GD\V D ZHHN RSHQLQJ 0RQGD\ to Friday from 8am to 5pm. WEST END OF TOWN THE TOP END OF TOWN 5DFKDHO 'DOWRQ 'DQLHO 'MRNLF (WKDQ 3U\VH DQG 5RG %RZPDQ DW 3ODWLQXP 6HUYLFH &HQWUH Bairnsdale. Locally owned and operated Locals Paul and Liz Hadden took over Riviera ConFUHWH %DLUQVGDOH PRUH WKDQ WZR \HDUV DJR Paul was managing the business previously for a number RI \HDUV DQG RYHU WKLV WLPH LW KDV JURZQ LQ VWDII RSSRUWXQLties and business. 5LYLHUD &RQFUHWH KDV D GLVplay area of exposed concretes that people can come and look DW GLVFXVV DQG PDNH GHFLVLRQV about what they would like for their home or planning areas. 7KH WHDP DW 5LYLHUD &RQFUHWH can also make sleepers for garGHQV IHQFHV HWF The team has been involved in the growth of many commercial businesses around WRZQ LQFOXGLQJ .PDUW 'DQ 0XUSK\ V 'DKOVHQV 6:) 0F'RQDOGV DV ZHOO DV VFKRROV building upon and other local DUHDV IRU KRXVLQJ IRRWSDWKV and sheds. 5LYLHUD &RQFUHWH EDVHG LQ %DLUQVGDOH ZDV WDNHQ RYHU E\ ORFDOV 3DXO DQG /L] +DGGHQ PRUH WKDQ WZR \HDUV DJR YOUR LOCAL HIRE, BRICK & PAVER EXPERTS 5153 0330 | office@eastgippslandhire.com.au 696 Main Street Bairnsdale 171 Bosworth Road, Bairnsdale sales@rivieraconcrete.com.au 0457 001 077 FOR ALL YOUR CONCRETE SUPPLY NEEDS WITHIN BAIRNSDALE & SURROUNDS OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 603 Main Street, Bairnsdale 5152 4324 | www.gippslandrvmarine.au EN21458