March Sales 2024

| EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 4 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2024 MARCH SALESFEATURE 2024 Family continues Hereford tradition -RKQ DQG $PDQGD 3HQGHUJDVW Ȇ0DWXQJDȇ %HQDPEUD ZLWK -DNH DQG (PLO\ KROGLQJ (OYLV 7KHLU ZHDQHG +HUHIRUG FDOYHV ZLOO EH R΍HUHG DW WKH 0RXQWDLQ &DOI 6DOHV QH[W week. 3KRWR $PEHU &RQQOH\ 3KRWRJUDSK\ /DNH 2PHR KDV SOHQW\ RI ZDWHU LQ LW DQG PDNHV D VSHFWDFXODU EDFNGURS IRU WKH 3HQGHUJDVW IDPLO\ V +HUHIRUG RSHUDWLRQ John and Amanda Pendergast, 'Matunga', Benambra, along with their children, Emily and Jake, run Hereford cattle on land around Hinnomunjie, Lake Omeo and Beloka. Sadly for the family, this year marks WKH ȴUVW FDOI VDOHV ZLWKRXW -RKQ V IDWKHU Graeme, who passed away last year on March 18. However, the trading name AG and SM Pendergast, will have its 50-year tradition continued, with John's family and his mothHU 6KHLOD 3HQGHUJDVW R΍HULQJ PL[HG VH[ ZHDQHU FDOYHV DW WKH (OGHUV %HQDPEUD sale. The oldest of the weaners are 10 months old and were weaned on January 10. The family will also sell some two-year-old grown steers in the Nutrien sale at Hinnomunjie, through John's brother, Donald Betts. John said their cattle had repeat buyers each year, including locals and people from across Gippsland, as well as interstate. "We are really strong on breeding cattle with a quiet temperament, quality and size," John said. "It's important to choose the right bull for the right cows. "We weaned the calves on January 10 and their quiet, easy doing temperament is really obvious." The Pendergasts usually source their bulls through Karoonda Herefords over the mountains at Gelantipy. Throughout the 50 years of selling at the Benambra calf sale, the Pendergasts have received champion Hereford pen twice since it began. The family is looking forward to the annual calf sales and with three generations involved, the future is looking good. Lot 10Wattlewood Top Gun T66 +1.1 BW, Top of breed for Rib and Rump fats 4.2 IMF and +1.6 EMA WATTLEWOOD ANGUS ANNUAL BULL SALE: Thursday 14th March 2024 Starting at 4pm Pendergast Alpine Livestock SE & EST LH Pendergast 200 Angus/Hereford + Hereford Mixed Sex Calves, Weaned Alpine Angus & Karoonda Blood Greenhams Never Ever Accredited PJ & SM Soutter 150 Dehorned Hereford Mixed Sex Calves, Weaned Karoonda & Newcommen Blood Greenhams Never Ever Accredited RE & AM Connley & E Coulthard 70 Hereford Mixed Sex Calves, Weaned RT Gilmore 70 Angus + Poll Hereford Mixed Sex Calves DW Betts 70 Hereford + Short Horn + Angus x Mixed Sex Calves, Weaned Greenhams Never Ever Accredited G & S Crisp 60 Hereford + Hereford Short Horn x Mixed Sex Calves, Weaned Greenhams Never Ever Accredited Coleman & Munson 31 Hereford Steers Calves 10 Hereford Heifers Calves 11 – 12 Months, Sugarloaf Blood, Weaned Brian Dyer 60 Hereford Mixed Sex Calves Sugarloaf & Karoonda Blood AL Fitzgerald 60 Hereford Mixed Sex Calves, Weaned Macs Creek Pastoral 30 Hereford Mixed Sex Calves, Creamy Blood KW & J Pendergast 20 Hereford Mixed Sex Calves Greenhams Never Ever Accredited D & F Olsen 30 Angus Mixed Sex Calves Ray & Max Pendergast 20 Hereford Steer Calves M & L Troake 25 Hereford Steer Calves Graeme Sinnott 25 Hereford Mixed Sex Calves Creamy Blood, Weaned AG & SM Pendergast 25 Hereford + Angus x Steer Calves RW Moon 20 Angus Hereford x Mixed Sex Calves, Weaned 10 Hereford Heifers, Karoonda Blood, Weaned R Tomkins 15 Angus Mixed Sex Calves, Weaned Ag Allrounder 10 Speckle Steers, 12 Months, Weaned Willfinn 20 Hereford Steers, Weaned Luke Dyer 10 Charolais Angus x Mixed Sex Calves D Tomkins 6 Angus x Steers, Weaned Brad Obst 0417 398 026 Graeme Fullgrabe 0408 516 432 Geoff Nicholls 0429 398 026 Billy Trinder 0448 930 053 Donald Betts 0428 591 572 David Walker 0409 526 411 Elle Woodgate 0428 192 229 B G G Billy Don Dav B HINNOMUNJIE CALF SALE TUESDAY 5TH MARCH AT 10AM MCKENZIES LANE, HINNOMUNJIE Soft floor yards | Trough water Big enough to count, small enough to care! EAST GIPPSLAND LIVESTOCK EN21558 1200 1200