EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS | 5 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2024 MARCH SALES FEATURE 2024 Hassle free with Wattlewood Wattlewood Angus has been ticking all the boxes for more than 25 years now, breeding quality stud Angus bulls and females for the breeder that wants hassle-free cattle. Stud principals, John and Fiona Glover, are passionate about the genetics they use and the cattle they select to represent their stud that are out working for their clients and bull buyers. Fiona, an AI technician, is like a kid in a candy store when it comes to selecting the next wave of sires for the stud. Some of the sires that are represented in this year's sale include the $280K Texas Iceman R725, Rennylea Prospect P550, Sitz Stellar and Alpine Muzza M245. This year's line-up of bulls are oozing quality and are backed by the studs three year guarantee and are ready to work, under going BVDV testing, semen testing and a host of vaccinations to protect the buyers’ investments with the Immune Ready GuideOLQHV EHLQJ IXOȴOOHG "We are very excited about the bulls on RHU WKLV \HDU DQG RXU FRQȴGHQFH KDV EHHQ boosted from all the lovely feedback we received at and after our annual Beef Week Open Day and other bull viewing visits we have had in the lead up to the sale on Thursday, March 14," Ms Glover said. Not only have the bulls been HD50K genotyped to give a solid indication of how the bulls genetics will play a part in the next generation, the naturally quiet bulls have also had a couple of halter lessons which make them even easier to own. In the lead-up to the sale, Wattlewood welcomes enquiries and prospective buyers can make a time with Fiona to view the bulls or simply arrive from 1pm on sale day and enjoy the light snacks and refreshments beIRUH WKH VDOH ȴUHV XS DW SP If you can't make it on the day, the sale will also be interfaced with AuctionsPlus. These 'ready for work', quiet bulls have also had a couple of lessons on the halter, making them even easier to handle so you don't have to be a "big time cattleman" to enjoy owning any of these animals. Lot 6 Wattlewood Touchdown T14. (PS) Lot 4 Wattelwood Tenacious T12. Wattlewood Arcadia R13 - Dam of lot 27. (PS) 5QOG QH QWT UGTXKEGU KPENWFG • Mustering • Drenching • Weighing Scanning • Marketing Options • Trucking ō ō .KXGUVQEM 4GRTGUGPVCVKXGU on facebook for upcoming sales Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri g g im ng sales $GP $QWNVQP ^ 2GVGT 4QUGPDGTI ^ /CVJGY $QWNVQP ^ 6TCXKU 5WVVQP ^ ,CEM (TKVJ ^ %NC[VQP -GNN[ ^ )CT[ 5KUGN[ ^ <CE )NGGUQP ^ <QG $QWNVQP ^ 5VGXGP $QWNVQP ^ The truck of your dreams Ford F-150 Peter Dullard Ford | 457 - 461 Princess Highway, Bairnsdale, VIC, 3875 03 5152 0100 | peterdullardford.com.au DELIVERABLE BY JUNE 30!