EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS | 7 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2024 MARCH SALES FEATURE 2024 0DZDUUD *HQHWLFV $RUGDEOH EUHHGLQJ VROXWLRQV Lot 107 Mawarra Trifecta T076. Sired by $140,000 Dunoon Prime Minister. Mawarra Genetics isn’t just about top-dollar sales. The Sykes family is committed to providing genetic solutions that truly impact your bottom line. Their unwavering focus on structural soundness, performance, and fertility ensures their bulls deliver on every level. This year, their 51st Annual Sale features 50 impressive Angus bulls joining their renowned Whiteface catalogue. While Mawarra’s success at the high end is undeniable, 50 per cent of their bulls have sold for under $10,000 over the past three years. “Whether you’re breeding replacement heifers, looking to boost calf weights, or aiming for premium MSA grades, we have the VLUH WR ȴW \RXU VHOHFWLRQ FULWHULD DQG EXGJHW ȋ co-principal, Deanne Sykes, emphasized. Building relationships, building success: Mawarra prioritises understanding their clients’ breeding goals and challenges. “We want every Mawarra sire to contribute positively to our client’s herd improvement DQG SURȴWDELOLW\ ȋ 'HDQQH H[SODLQHG 7KHLU H[SHULHQFHG WHDP LV DOZD\V RQ KDQG to guide you through the wealth of information available and help you choose the right sires for your operation. Making informed decisions is crucial to a successful business. Peter and Logan Sykes have an intimate understanding of their cattle, the data that accompanies them, current market trends, best-practice animal husbandry, and the challenges that face producers day-to-day. They understand and can help you navLJDWH WKH FRPSOH[LWLHV RI EXOO VHOHFWLRQ DQG ensure you match the right genetics to your VSHFLȴF RSHUDWLRQ DQG REMHFWLYHV Don’t miss the Mawarra Genetics 51st Annual Sale: Join the Sykes family on Monday, March 18 at Longford for an opportunity to LQYHVW LQ DRUGDEOH H[FHOOHQFH IRU \RXU +HUHIRUG 3ROO +HUHIRUG RU $QJXV KHUG 7KUHH RI WKH +HUHIRUG DQG 3ROO +HUHIRUG EXOOV 0DZDUUD ZLOO RHU RQ 0RQGD\ 0DUFK 18. Their most enthusiastic team member, Dingo loves his job and is never far from Logan’s side. MORE THAN CRISIS SUPPORT rfcsgippsland.org.au RFCS Gippsland 1300 045 747 When you hit ‘recovery’ mode post an emergency or crisis situation, let RFCS Gippsland help you manage and prioritise your immediate financial matters and work with you to plan longer term. FREE and confidential financial and wellbeing support, works hand in hand to assist in your recovery. Early intervention reduces stress associated with emergency recovery and planning. rural business is our business EN21765