EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS | 9 MARCH SALES FEATURE 2024 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2024 Elle an important part of the team Elle Woodgate, 26, has worked for Brad Obst at Nutrien East Gippsland Livestock for 18 months and next week will mark her second Mountain Calf Sales. The fact she is the only female livestock agent based in East Gippsland makes absolutely no impact on her. Ζ GRQ W VHH WKH GLHUHQFH WKHUH DUH GHȴQLWHO\ VRPH ROGHU IDUPHUV ZKR GR EXW Ζ GRQ W FODVV P\VHOI GLHUHQWO\ IURP DQ\RQH HOVH (OOH VDLG Ζ JR WR ZRUN Ζ P DV HIȴFLHQW DV WKH EORNHV DQG we all work as a team. $ IDUP JLUO DW KHDUW Elle Woodgate grew up in Buchan around 'a lot of Hereford cattle and crossbred sheep'. $W WKH WLPH ZRUNLQJ DV a livestock agent was not on Elle's agenda until she received a call out of the EOXH IURP %UDG RHULQJ her a job. "I actually told him I didn't think I would suit WKH UROH VKH VDLG "I get really nervous and shy around people all the time." Elle's farming experience began with her faWKHU &UDLJ :RRGJDWH DQG other Woodgate family members like Golly and 0HOYD .HYLQ DQG 7DPP\ "I helped in the shearing sheds rouVHDERXWLQJ ZKHQ Ζ FRXOG ULGLQJ P\ KRUVH KHOSLQJ ZLWK PXVWHULQJ (OOH VDLG Ζ DOZD\V ORYHG DJULFXOWXUH EXW LW ZDVQ W really until I left home that I learnt the major skills." Elle headed north at about age 18 like a lot RI \RXQJ SHRSOH GR PRYLQJ WR 4XHHQVODQG working on cattle stations. ΖQ WKH ȴUVW ZHHN P\ ȴUVW ERVV WDXJKW PH KRZ WR FXW FDOYHV WDXJKW PH KRZ WR GHKRUQ LW ZDV D ORW GLHUHQW WR KRZ ZH RSHUDWHG DW home. "Down here I was allowed to put the buttons in and do the 'girl's jobs' sorts of WKLQJV EXW ZLWKLQ WKH ȴUVW ZHHN XS WKHUH that's when someone took the time to teach PH JDYH PH D UROH DQG D UHVSRQVLELOLW\ DQG VR Ζ NHSW GRLQJ LW DQG NHSW ORYLQJ LW VKH said. (OOH VSHQW WKUHH \HDUV LQ 4XHHQVODQG D year in the Northern Territory and then anRWKHU \HDU LQ WKH .LPEHUOH\V <RX ZHUH RXW WKHUH VR UHPRWH \RX KDG WR do it because you were part of a team and HYHU\RQH KDG WR FKLS LQ WKHLU ZHLJKW VKH said. A badly broken collarbone meant Elle returned home to spend time to mend. After rehab she started working on farms LQ %ODFN 0RXQWDLQ IRU WKH &RRSHUV DQG *RUGRQ 0RRQ DQG URXVHDERXWLQJ DV ZHOO Which was when Brad's well-timed job RHU FDPH LQ Elle was hesitant and took some persuading because she felt she didn't have the conȴGHQFH QHHGHG "Brad just believed in me that I'd be right for the job and so then I VDLG $K ZKDW KDYH Ζ JRW to lose'. +H JDYH PH WKH FRQȴGHQFH WR GR LW DQG QRZ one of the parts I enjoy the most is the people and the relationships I make. 6L[ PRQWKV DJR Ζ ZDVQ W VR FRQȴGHQW WR have open discussions with farmers about GLHUHQW WKLQJV EXW LW V coming a little bit easier for me. "Personal growth has been the biggest thing for me in the past 12 months." Brad said he called Elle about the job for two reasons. "I've always thought of Elle as a sensible young person and we were ORRNLQJ IRU VRPHRQH UHDOO\ FDSDEOH %UDG said. "So far it's out worked out very well. 6KH V JURZQ LQ FRQȴGHQFH ERWK SHUVRQDOO\ DQG SURIHVVLRQDOO\ SOXV VKH V FRPSHWHQW and good at her job. "The skills Elle has brought to the table was D VNLOOVHW ZH GLGQ W KDYH VKH V FRPH XS ZLWK D JUHDW IRUPDW IRU RXU RQOLQH PDUNHW UHSRUWV DV ZHOO DV RXU SHQ FDUGV VKH V WDNHQ XV EDFN to the lead with them. "I think it's also because she's looking at the VLWXDWLRQ ZLWK IUHVK H\HV QR SDVW SUDFWLFHV or prejudices in the industry behind her." Elle takes pride in her work and admits to being an 'organiser'. Ζ OLNH KDYLQJ WKLQJV RUJDQLVHG WKH SHQ FDUGV WKH SKRWRV RI FOLHQWV FDWWOH Ζ PDNH VXUH HYHU\WKLQJ LV DGYHUWLVHG FRUUHFWO\ WKH PRUH PRGHUQ VWX SURPRWLQJ RXU FOLHQWV cattle the best way we can." 7KH 1XWULHQ (*/ VDOH D OHJDF\ RI WKH 6KDUS )XOOJUDEH VDOHV VWDUWV DW DP RQ 7XHVGD\ 0DUFK DW WKH +LQQRPXQMLH \DUGV DQG LV WKH RSHQLQJ VDOH RI WKH 0RXQWDLQ &DOI 6DOHV The skills Elle has brought to the table was a skillset we didn’t have, she’s come up with a great format for our online market reports, as well as our pen cards, she’s taken us back to the lead with them. - Brad Obst Elle Woodgate, Nutrien East Gippsland Livestock, will attend her second Mountain Calf Sales as an agent next week. NUNNIONG HEREFORD STUD ENSAY BULLS AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING FROM 10AM January 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN Lot 6 NUNNIONG MONSTER T080 (P) 2024 BULL SALE 1.30PM MARCH 13, 2024 On Property Opposite Ensay Saleyards 36 BULLS ENQUIRIES 0427 573 331 200 Calves for Annual Calf Sales BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS Cwt EMA Rib Rump RBY% IMF% +5.7 +31 +47 +70 +58 +17 +2.9 +35 +2.4 +0.3 +0.6 +0.6 +0.0 61% 63% 62% 68% 58% 47% 74% 55% 46% 50% 54% 48% 50% January 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS Cwt EMA Rib Rump RBY% IMF% +5.2 +32 +54 +82 +65 +14 +0.9 +57 +4.0 +1.4 +2.2 -0.2 +1.2 62% 64% 64% 70% 60% 49% 76% 57% 47% 51% 56% 49% 52% Lot 10 NUNNIONG TOMCAT T073 (H) January 2024 Hereford BREEDPLAN BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS Cwt EMA Rib Rump RBY% IMF% +9.8 +46 +79 +120 +124 +21 +2.8 +73 +5.2 -1.0 -1.2 +3.3 -1.0 60% 62% 61% 65% 55% 47% 73% 53% 43% 47% 51% 45% 46% Lot 19 NUNNIONG QUARTZ T054 (H)