Seniors Magazine

| EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 10 EDITION 1 - 2024 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2024 You're never too old to get moving. The human body responds to exercise, no matter what age, and the health beneȴWV DUH PDQ\ Research shows physical activity in older DJH KDV VLJQLȴFDQW FDUGLRYDVFXODU DQG PHWDEROLF KHDOWK EHQHȴWV KHOSV WR FRQtrol weight, prevents and reduces impact of chronic disease and reduces the risks associated with falls and increases overall SK\VLFDO DQG PHQWDO KHDOWK Regular exercise is essential for maintaining mobility, bone density, muscle mass DQG EDODQFH EXW DOVR R΍HUV PDQ\ PRUH KHDOWK EHQHȴWV LQFOXGLQJ ORZHULQJ WKH ULVN of chronic disease such as heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, Type 2 diabetes, stroke and obesity, management of chronic conditions such as with arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, higher levels of functional health and wellEHLQJ DQG LPSURYHG FRJQLWLYH IXQFWLRQ Maintaining mobility: Is a crucial aspect RI EHLQJ KHDOWK\ 2XU MRLQWV QHHG UHJXODU PRYHPHQW WR UHPDLQ KHDOWK\ DQG PRELOH ΖI \RX FDQ W PRYH \RXU MRLQWV IUHHO\ through the full range of motion, you are DW DQ LQFUHDVHG ULVN RI LQMXU\ Bone density: Begins to decline after the age of 40 and accelerates around the age of 50, making older people more prone to IUDFWXUHV Weight bearing exercise can help keep our bones healthy and strong and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and IUDFWXUHV Muscle mass: 6ORZO\ GHFUHDVHV ZLWK DJH Adults who do not exercise are said to lose 3-8 per cent of muscle mass per decade, and 5-10 per cent after the age of 50 so we need to work to maintain and/ or increase our muscle mass with regular H[HUFLVH $V WKH\ VD\ XVH LW RU ORVH LW Balance: Is important for many activities ZH GR HYHU\ GD\ ΖW LV GHȴQLWHO\ VRPHWKLQJ that becomes harder to maintain with age and a lack of balance can lead to falls and LQMXULHV Improving muscle strength, mobility and bone density all help in improving our EDODQFH People over the age of 65, more than any RWKHU DJH JURXS UHTXLUH DGHTXDWH ȴWQHVV levels to maintain independence, recover from illness and reduce their increasing ULVN RI GLVHDVH Swimming is a great activity to keep the senior body moving. (PS) Keep the ageing body moving Time to tour the Far East Embark on an unforgettable journey through the captivating East Gippsland region with Snowy River Cycling's Far East scenic tour. Say goodbye to solo adventures and hello to a shared exploration of hidden gems and local charm as Snowy River &\FOLQJ YHQWXUHV R΍ WKH ELNH DQG RQWR IRRW 2YHU WKH FRXUVH RI WZR full days and two half days, prepare to be enchanted by the wonders of the far east," business owner Michelle Perry VDLG "From delectable meals to comfortable accommodations, seamless transport, and a delightful boat cruise – every detail is meticulously arranged IRU \RXU XOWLPDWH FRQYHQLHQFH "Exploring your own backyard on a guided tour can be a delightful way to uncover hidden gems and learn more about the history and culture RI \RXU ORFDO DUHD $V \RX traverse familiar streets and parks with a knowledgeable guide, you may be surprised by the fascinating stories and facts that are woven into the IDEULF RI \RXU FRPPXQLW\ This tour is thoughtfully crafted for intimate groups of 12, ensuring personalised experiences with leisurely ZDONV DQG HQMR\DEOH DFWLYLWLHV "Traverse the charming towns RI /DNHV (QWUDQFH 2UERVW DQG 0DUOR HDFK R΍HULQJ D XQLTXH glimpse into the beauty of this UHJLRQ 0LFKHOOH VDLG "Marvel at trestle bridges, admire sculptures, delve into history at historic sites, chase waterfalls, and revel in EUHDWKWDNLQJ ORRNRXWV 7KH ever-changing landscape will captivate your senses and OHDYH \RX \HDUQLQJ IRU PRUH "During the tour, keep an open mind and a curious spirit as you soak in the sights, VRXQGV DQG ȵDYRXUV RI \RXU QHLJKERXUKRRG :KHWKHU LW V D historic landmark, a charming cafe tucked away in a quiet corner, or a colourful mural adorning a building, each VWRS RQ WKH WRXU R΍HUV D QHZ perspective and a chance to appreciate the beauty and diYHUVLW\ RI \RXU VXUURXQGLQJV "Engage with your guide and fellow tour participants, ask questions, and share your own LQVLJKWV DQG H[SHULHQFHV %\ connecting with others who share your enthusiasm for exploration, you can forge new friendships and create lasting PHPRULHV WRJHWKHU 6QRZ\ 5LYHU &\FOLQJȇV )DU (DVW WRXU JHWV SDUWLFLSDQWȇV R΍ WKH ELNH DQG RQWR WKH ODQG WR H[SORUH WKH PDJQLȴFHQW East Gippsland scenery. Bairnsdale & District Table Tennis Association/KeenAgers Just for Seniors KeenAgers seniors social Table Tennis: $5 per session Mondays & Thursdays 8:30am to 11:00am Also available, table tennis sessions for all adults & juniors Inquiries: David Pratt 0409 568 280 Bairnsdale Squash & Table Tennis Centre, 64 Great Alpine Road, Lucknow 0412 939 000 Need a Plumber? Plumbing & Gasfitting Pty. Ltd. Wayne(Chad) Licence No. 27893 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL DOMESTIC • All Types of Plumbing & Maintenance • New Houses & Renovations • Septics & Treatment Plants • Drainage & Blockages • Gas Work