Seniors Magazine

| EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 12 EDITION 1 - 2024 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2024 Have you ever been at a seaside holiday destination and thought WR \RXUVHOI Ζ FRXOG GHȴQLWHO\ OLYH here"? Well, a new lifestyle village being created in the beautiful waterside village of Paynesville, on the GippsODQG /DNHV LV R΍HULQJ \RX DQ DIfordable opportunity to do just that. Encore Retirement Living's Paynesville village will be pet-friendly, resort-style, residential commuQLW\ GHVLJQHG VSHFLȴFDOO\ IRU WKH DFtive retirees and those transitioning to retirement. Rosa Sinopoli for Encore Retirement Living says residents at the village will feel like they're on holiday "every day". "We are anticipating that many people who once holidayed in the Paynesville area, will return and become permanent residents," Rosa said. "And many Paynesville locals – who don't want to leave this beautiful area – have already shown an interest in living in this new development. COMMUNITY HUB A planned community centre at the village will be the hub of community activities, where residents will be able to get together with family and friends to enjoy a modern and spacious communal lounge, dining and games areas, as well as a salt-chlorinated pool and more. "The community centre will be EXLOW ȴUVW VR UHVLGHQWV FDQ HQMR\ WKH EHQHȴWV RI WKH FHQWUH IURP WKH start," Rosa explains. INDEPENDENT LIVING 7KH 3D\QHVYLOOH YLOODJH ZLOO R΍HU a choice of two or three bedroom villas, designed and built to encourage independent living, whilst enhancing lifestyle, security and freedom. Rosa says a lot of thought "has been given to the interior design of the villas, which will include 24-hour emergency call systems, modern kitchens, open-plan living areas, spacious bathrooms, comfortable bedrooms and double garages". "Two of our popular villa designs at our Trafalgar village will come across to Paynesville." THE PERFECT FIT Encore Retirement Living already has considerable experience in the lifestyle-village space in regional Victoria, especially Gippsland, having created and successfully run their Trafalgar village, for a number of years. With that Trafalgar village enterLQJ LWV ȴQDO WZR VWDJHV VWDJHV ȴYH and six) of its development and its Community Centre nearing completion, the residents are excited. 7KH ȴUVW SHRSOH WR VLJQ D FRQWUDFW IRU VWDJH ȴYH DW WKH 7UDIDOJDU village go into a draw to win an (VVHQWLDO & &ODVV &DUDYDQ 7KDW V D RQH LQ FKDQFH Explore the relaxing retirement lifestyle you deserve. For further information on the Trafalgar or Paynesville retirement vilODJHV SKRQH (1&25( WR PDNH an appointment or visit the website. A community within a community Encore Retirement Living’s Paynesville village will be a resort-style community with spectacular comfort. Discover the relaxing retirement lifestyle you deserve Explore retirement living in Trafalgar and Paynesville. • Be part of a community within a community • Enjoy resort living everyday FOR THOSE 55 AND BETTER NEW VILLAGE OPENING IN 2024 91 Coast Avenue, Paynesville STAGE 5 SELLING NOW 2 Flagship Drive, Trafalgar (Enter via Hardy Drive) Paynesville Trafalgar Scan here to learn more 1800 362 673 Images for illustrative purposes only. EL224873