Seniors Magazine

| EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 2 EDITION 1 - 2024 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2024 Breaking stereotypes Our society isn't always as kind to the aged as traditional societies where 'wise elders' are honoured. The stereotypes are starting to break down a little and older people are beginning to reclaim their right to be able to live their lives to their full potential even in their older years. Seniors make up a considerable proportion of Australia's population. The Australian population is ageing, with older Australians a growing proportion of the total population. In recent years, more than one in seven people were aged 65 and over. Ageing is a fact of life everyone has to face. Seniors are a vital part of the economy through their continued engagement in the workforce and, post-retirement, through their incomes and assets. 7KH\ DUH D GLYHUVH JURXS ZLWK GL΍HUHQW ages and socio-economic backgrounds and GL΍HUHQW OLIH H[SHULHQFHV DQG OLIHVW\OHV Seniors contribute valuably to society by participating in family and community life. This ongoing social and economic engagePHQW KDV PDQ\ EHQHȴWV IRU ERWK WKHP LQ promoting healthy ageing) and the wider community. DID YOU KNOwW? Over the past two decades, the number of FHQWHQDULDQV SHRSOH DJHG \HDUV DQG RYHU LQFUHDVHG E\ SHU FHQW FRPSDUHG ZLWK D SHU FHQW LQFUHDVH LQ WKH JHQHUDO population over the same period. $XVWUDOLD KDV SURGXFHG YHULȴHG VXSHU FHQWHQDULDQV DJHG \HDUV RU ROGHU The oldest Australian was Christina Cock, ZKR GLHG LQ DJHG \HDUV %\ DURXQG RQH TXDUWHU RI DOO $XVWUDlians will be aged 65 years and over, with the proportion of younger Australians declining. In fact, the number of people aged 65 years and over will overtake the number of FKLOGUHQ DJHG ]HUR WR E\ DURXQG There are twice as many women as men DJHG \HDUV DQG RYHU UHȵHFWLQJ WKHLU ORQJHU OLIH H[SHFWDQF\ $XVWUDOLDQV HQMR\ RQH RI WKH KLJKHVW OLIH H[- pectancies in the world. 0HQ WRGD\ OLYH QHDUO\ \HDUV DQG ZRPHQ OLYH \HDUV ERWK XS \HDUV IURP D FHQWXU\ ago. The physical health of older Australians is DOVR LPSURYLQJ DQG PRVW SHRSOH SHUFHQW DUH SRVLWLYH DERXW WKHLU TXDOLW\ RI OLIH The majority of older Australians live independently at home. Only one in four people aged 85 years or over live in care accommodation. Rates of volunteering among the 'baby boomer' generation – recently retired, healthy and wanting to contribute to their communities – are continuing to rise compared to previous generations. Increasing paid employment of Australians RYHU \HDUV E\ ȴYH SHU FHQW ZRXOG DGG ELOOLRQ WR WKH ERWWRP OLQH RI RXU QDWLRQDO economy, every year. It is estimated that the number of Australians aged 85 years and over will increase IURP LQ WR PLOOLRQ E\ Seniors make up a considerable proportion of Australia’s population. Trusted choice Wayne Trinder, well known to many as Chad, has been a mainVWD\ RQ WKH SOXPELQJ DQG JDVȴWWLQJ scene in East Gippsland for more than 30 years. Raised on a farm in Flaggy Creek, Wayne started his apprenticeship at WKH DJH RI XQGHU WKH JXLGDQFH RI his father, Wally, learning his trade the "old school way". :D\QH R΍HUV DQ H[WHQVLYH UDQJH RI services including all types of domestic, industrial and commercial plumbing work - new houses, renovations, URRȴQJ VRODU JDV ZRUN DQG LQVWDOODWLRQ RI VHSWLF DQG VDQG ȴOWHU V\VWHPV just to name a few. With a number of vehicles and his own machinery including truck and H[FDYDWRUV :D\QH DQG KLV WHDP ZKR KDYH PDQ\ \HDUV RI FRPELQHG H[SHULHQFH DUH ZHOO HTXLSSHG WR PHHW \RXU plumbing needs. They take pride in delivering a top TXDOLW\ VHUYLFH IURP 6WUDWIRUG WR Far East Gippsland and all areas in between. Wayne Trinder Plumbing & GasȴWWLQJ LV DOVR D PHPEHU RI 0DVWHU 3OXPEHUV VR \RX FDQ EH FRQȴGHQW WKH FRPSDQ\ DQG VWD΍ KDYH DOO DSSURSULate licences and insurance. Operating hours are 7am-5pm Monday to Friday and after hours or weekends by appointment. Give Wayne a call today to discuss your needs. No job is too big or too small! Looking for an experienced plumber you can trust? Wayne Trinder has earned his reputation from his long and consistent local plumbing service. We are committed to providing our older clients (and their families) with clear, personalised and professional advice, which enhances quality of life and promotes independence and dignity. Our friendly team can help Seniors with: ◆ Estate planning, superannuation and asset protection ◆ Wills ◆ Probate, estate administration and Will disputes ◆ Substitute decision making and Powers of Attorney ◆ Advance medical directives ◆ Discrimination and elder financial abuse ◆ Retirement village and nursing home contracts ◆ Reverse mortgage and equity release products. Bairnsdale: Alison Tanner / Jane Lightfoot 119 Main Street Phone (03) 5152 2661 Sale: Bevan Clarke 99 Raymond Street Phone (03) 5144 1777 Orbost: Bevan Clarke 14 Ruskin Street Phone (03) 5155 1286 Lakes Entrance: Bevan Clarke 347A Esplanade Phone (03) 5155 1286 Mallacoota: Bevan Clarke 62 Maurice Avenue Phone (03) 5155 1286