Seniors Magazine

EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS | 3 EDITION 1 - 2024 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2024 It could be argued that much is being done for our ageing population. But are ZH VDFULȴFLQJ TXDQWLW\ IRU TXDOLW\" What is it that old people crave most? What gives them the most pleasure? Has anyone researched this adequately? One man thinks not. Bob Holland recently lost his wife of over 50 years and in the time since her death, KH KDV GLVFRYHUHG ȴUVW KDQG what old people, especially those who live alone like him, face. all the "services" in the world won't eliminate what these people feel inside. Loneliness, isolation, bore dom and low morale are just some of the issues old peo ple have to contend with, and all the "services" in the world won't eliminate what these people feel inside, and on a constant basis in many cases. Mr Holland, a former newspaper publisher and considered by many as an "ideas man", having now ex perienced "what growing old alone feels like" has decided to use the rest of his life to try and improve the quality of life of older people. His quest started late 2022. His target group is people in their 60s, 70s and above, and especially those who have lost partners, live alone at home, or reside in aged care facilities. Most of those in this group face a variety of issues in one form or another, be it health, ȴQDQFLDO PRELOLW\ HPRWLRQ al and so on, and although the wide and varied services available help address some of these issues, they don't adequately address many of the hidden feelings and emotions that older people keep inside. Mr Holland believes this is an area where more can be done to help old people HQMR\ WKHLU ȴQDO \HDUV PRUH and this is where he's con FHQWUDWLQJ KLV H΍RUWV Among the projects he's started or working on are: $ 1DWLRQDO PRQWKO\ "large print" magazine style entertainment resource called Seniors Happy Life that provides cover to cover entertainment without any news or advertising. (This commenced February 2023) $ 1DWLRQDO 1HZ )ULHQGV 1HWZRUN $ 1DWLRQDO &RQQHFW GD\ concept $ 1DWLRQDO 6HQLRUV +DSS\ /LIH &DI« FRQFHSW $ 1DWLRQDO VRQJ DQWKHP contest $ 1DWLRQDO 6KRZ /RYH WR old people)" campaign :KDW DUH ZH VDFULȴFLQJ" *HW EDFN WR GRLQJ ZKDW \RX ORYH ΖI \RXU VWHS KDV ORVW LWV SHS JR DQG VHH the movement therapies team at Gippsland Lakes Complete Health. */&+ V KLJKO\ TXDOLȴHG WHDP RI DOOLHG health professionals and assistants can work with you to improve your health and ZHOOEHLQJ DQG R΍HU ZD\V WR NHHS \RX PRY ing and doing the things you love, whether you live with arthritis, have recently had a cancer or Parkinson's diagnosis, or need a falls prevention program. You don't even need a doctor's referral to visit. If you live with the chronic pain of osteo arthritis, the GLA:D® program is made just for you. Good Life with osteoArthritis: Denmark */$ 'p LV D JDPH FKDQJLQJ H[HUFLVH SUR gram originally developed in Europe but has had tremendous success here in Aus tralia too. GLA:D® starts with an initial assessment E\ RQH RI */&+ V DOOLHG KHDOWK SURIHVVLRQ als followed by a series of education and group exercise sessions targeted at knee and hip pain over six weeks. Australian GLA:D® participants have re ported that their pain was reduced by more than a third after completing the program, they relied less on painkillers, saw less of a need for surgery and experienced a clinically meaningful improvement in con ȴGHQFH LQ WKHLU MRLQWV GLA:D® education and exercises can be applied to everyday activities, ensuring you can build lasting skills to manage your osteoarthritis. By strengthening muscles and improving FRQȴGHQFH ZLWK H[HUFLVH \RX OO EH PRUH able to stay active, live with less pain and prevent symptom progression. Places are available now for the next GLA:D® intake, which starts in April. */&+ V PRYHPHQW WKHUDSLHV WHDP DOVR R΍HUV RWKHU H[FLWLQJ J\P SURJUDPV VXFK DV PD Warrior, designed for people living with Parkinson's. 7KLV LV D ZHHN FRXUVH WKDW KHOSV R΍VHW the advance of symptoms with a program based on specially designed exercises, ed ucation and support with the help of our allied health team. PD Warrior is tailored to individuals and is structured around personal goals and the type of Parkinson's involved. Energise is a new wellness program to help people who have had a cancer diag nosis or are recovering from cancer, and which aims to boost energy, mobility and wellbeing. 7KH XQLTXH HLJKW ZHHN H[HUFLVH SURJUDP aims to help people being treated for can cer maintain their health and wellbeing through strength and resistance exercise. (YLGHQFH EDVHG H[HUFLVH SURJUDPV such as Energise have been shown to re GXFH WUHDWPHQW UHODWHG IDWLJXH PDLQWDLQ VWUHQJWK DQG ȴWQHVV DQG SURPRWHV JRRG mental health and less recovery time after a hospital stay. */&+ DOVR R΍HUV VSHFLDOLVHG VHVVLRQV IRU those needing rehabilitation and group exercise sessions to help maintain mobil ity and social connection, all directed by */&+ V WHDP RI SK\VLRWKHUDSLVWV H[HUFLVH physiologists and allied health assistants. 7R OHDUQ PRUH DERXW DQ\ RI */&+ V H[ ercise and wellness programs, contact the service access team on 5155 8367. Keep moving and improving with the help of GLCH’s allied health team. (PS)