EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS | 9 EDITION 1 - 2024 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 2024 Highest of quality at Joe Calvi Joe Calvi Fine Furniture in Bairnsdale add a personal touch in both products and services for seniors needing high quality bedding, recliners and adjustable chairs. Establishing in Lindenow in 1984, Joe Calvi Fine Furniture focused on making furniture and kitchens to customers' design. Fast forward to today, Joe Calvi now sells furniture in Bairnsdale on 53 Macleod Street and 22 Wood Street, and the business is wellNQRZQ IRU LWV KLJK TXDOLW\ DQG DRUGDEOH prices. Whether you need a new reclining lift chair or mobility scooter, Joe Calvi will be able to tailor to your needs. One of Joe Calvi's pieces, the Ascot double lift chair, comes with two cup holders and storage space in the middle. Both chairs are adjustable, and are easy to clean stains and spills with leather material. A narrow lift chair is also available, which is GHVLJQHG VSHFLȴFDOO\ IRU VPDOOHU SHRSOH The Tyni chair comes in both leather and fabric, and in a variety of colours. Joe Calvi )LQH )XUQLWXUH DOVR RHUV DQ $XVWUDOLDQ Ȃ made range of adjustable chairs. 7KHVH OLIW FKDLUV RHU D IXOO\ DGMXVWDEOH RStion to help alleviate back pain and improve SRVWXUH DQG FRPH LQ D UDQJH RI GLHUHQW VL]HV IRU GLHUHQW VKDSHV Some also come with hand grips, allowing for easy grip when getting out of the chair. The Three Series Massage chair is also on RHU JUHDW IRU LPSURYLQJ EORRG FLUFXODWLRQ and relaxing tense muscles, and also come in GLHUHQW FRORXUV The Three Series has Zero Gravity and Zero Space capabilities, and boasts a state-of-theart S-Track roller design, to mimic the natural shape of the spine. If you're looking for a new bed, Joe Calvi has a range of lift beds, which can be tilted and lifted to suit one's needs. Along with furniture, mobility scooters are also available to help you get around, including the 'Jitterbug' and the 'Tango' scooter, which comes with a canopy. But if you're just after a furniture upgrade, Joe Calvi has a wide range of both indoor and outdoor furniture, along with décor and RɝFH SLHFHV 7KH VWRUH LV RSHQ IURP 0RQGD\ Ȃ 6DWXUGD\ RHULQJ IUHH GHOLYHU\ DURXQG WKH ORFDO DUHD The wonderful team at Joe Calvi Fine Furniture will be able to assist with all of your enquires about their extensive range. Joe Calvi Fine Furniture has begun stocking a new range of bedding for seniors. -RH &DOYL )LQH )XUQLWXUH LQ %DLUQVGDOH LV ZHOO NQRZQ IRU LWV KLJK TXDOLW\ DQG DRUGDEOH SULFHV DV ZHOO DV LWV ZLGH UDQJH RI UHFOLQHU FKDLUV IXUQLWXUH SDFNDJHV EHGV DQG PRELOLW\ VFRRWHUV FINE FURNITURE JOECALVI 53 Macleod St, Bairnsdale & 22 Wood St, Bairnsdale joecalvifinefurniture@gmail.com www.joecalvifinefurniture.com.au FREE LOCAL DELIVERY & SET UP BAIRNSDALE’S BIGGEST FURNITURE SHOWROOM 5153 0080 ✓ADJUSTABLE BEDS ✓LIFT CHAIRS ✓MOBILITY SCOOTERS ✓ARMCHAIRS Lift chairs can be tailored to suite your special needs! 5153 2878 126 McKean St, Bairnsdale healthlinksgippsland.com.au 65+ Are you years old? Healthy Ageing Program FREE Join us for our FREE Exercise Classes Focussed on: Mobility Balance Strength PLUS FREE Osteopathy Consultations