East Gippsland Field Days Guide

| EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 20 THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2024 EAST GIPPSLAND FIELD DAYS The importance of the field days State Nationals Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, says, the East Gippsland Field Days play a crucial role in not only showcasing the agricultural, horticultural, and farming industries of the region, but also bringing the community together. “This annual event serves as a platform for local farmers, businesses, and manufacturers to exhibit their latest products, technologies, and innovations,” Mr Bull said. “Let’s hope we get a good couple of days weather wise as we do get visitors from around the State and interstate attending. “Since they commenced in 1986, the event has grown to attract up to 10,000 visitors each year, which is a huge economic driver for our community, which I am not sure people full understand just what it does for the wider community. “The Field Days also offer fantastic opportunities for people working in the agricultural sector to network, share knowledge, and develop skills. “It’s not just for farmers – there are lots of stalls, activities, and fun activities and exhibitors for families too. “I’m looking forward to enjoying another great couple of days this year and I encourage local families to attend. “The event couldn’t go on without the selfless support from the the Lindenow Lions Club and the Lindenow Football and Netball Club and other groups that volunteer their time and effort.” Local MP, Tim Bull, says the East Gippsland Field Days play an important role in not only bringing the community together, but showcasing the agricultural, horticultural and farming of the region. Time to upgrade your dairy? See us at the East Gippsland Field Days, Bairnsdale Aerodrome 5-6 April Get outstanding support from the most popular robot brand on Gippsland farms The largest and most experienced team of robot installers, technicians, software experts and farm management advisors, based in Gippsland with 24/7 support. Over 80 Lely milking robots operating locally, providing an instant support network of dozens of Lely farmers to tap into. Proven results on pasture. We work closely with farmers to optimise their system ongoing, and can confidently design systems that will work with your existing infrastructure. The Lely Astronaut A5 Lely Astronaut robots have been trusted on farms for 30+ years, with 40,000 operating worldwide. Today’s 6th generation robot builds on these foundations and optimises for efficiency. Lely Center Gippsland’s participation in the East Gippsland Field Days is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry as part of its Support Regional Trade Events Program. 03 5622 0845 lelygippsland.com.au 3 Lindy Court, Warragul Precise pre-milk disposal: Only the first 9ml of milk from each quarter is disposed of each milking. Hybrid arm: Provides fast and secure attachment with 30% less power usage than previous models. Cups are fixed to the arm so will not fall to the ground. Pre-milking brushes: Stimulate teats for let down and remove dirt before contact with cups. Steam clean option between milkings. Excellent water efficiency. Easy walk-through design (i-flow): Cow walks straight into stall and robot arm uses 3D camera and lasers to meet her where she is and put cups on. 4% better cow flow compared to no i-flow. EN22553 EN22692