East Gippsland Field Days Guide

EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS | 7 EAST GIPPSLAND FIELD DAYS THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2024 East Gippsland Water supporting field days East Gippsland Water (EGW) supports communities and events across the region through financial or in-kind community support and participation in community events, markets and activities that complement its role as a regional water corporation. EGW is delighted to be a sponsor for this year's East Gippsland Field Days, an event that attracts people from across the region and beyond. The event was first established in 1986 and has continued to grow over the years to the iconic event it has become, with more than 300 exhibitors and attracting around 10,000 visitors. It is a fabulous event with an array of activities and stalls showcasing local produce. As well as being an event sponsor, EGW will also be an exhibitor and as part of its Customer Connect initiative. The friendly staff will be on hand to tell you more about the new Water Efficiency Rebate Program, provide you with information about services and answer any general enquiries you may have. You can also pick up some water saving products and some fun stuff for the kids to take away to put in your show bags. If you are looking for financial or in-kind support for your community group or sporting event then the EGW team would love to hear from you. They will consider community support requests for in-kind, financial and promotional products. As a general guide community support may be granted where an activity, organisation or event can be seen as contributing in at least one of the following areas: - Education - either focused on water issues (such as water education or conservation/environmental issues) for schools, or public education either directly with groups or other organisations/agencies - Events that are region-wide or of regional significance, that have a relationship to the corporation's principal activities and corporate objectives - Health and fitness-related activities. Please email egw@egwater.vic.gov.au with details. Your application will be assessed against our community support criteria. EGW will also provide a mobile drinking water trailer and portable water refill stations for access to drinking water at community and not-for-profit events. To book, visit the EGW website and complete the online application. East Gippsland Water is excited to be a part of this year’s East Gippsland Field Days, and will have staff on-hand to discuss the new Water Efficiency Rebate Program. EN21771 Get your FREE 15 minute heart health check at East Gippsland Field Days A health care professional will check key heart health indicators including: Receive your results immediately with advice on next steps. Diabetes risk Blood pressure Heart rate Body composition Non-fasting cholesterol levels Proudly brought to you by a not-for-profit, for purpose, private health insurer *Heart health checks are available to people aged 18 years and older. Visit the Latrobe Health Services team in the General Interest Arena Site 20-22 Visit www.latrobehealth.com.au/healthyhearts for more information. Find out more here EN22360