
| EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 10 WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2024 2024 +HDOWK\ FRRNLQJ LQ D ȵDVK ZLWK 7KHUPRPL[ Do you feel the cost-of-living crisis is having an impact on the quality of food you are buying and the variety of meals you are cooking for your family? Would you like to cook more from scratch to avoid nasty additives and save more money in the process? Look no further – a Thermomix can help with all of that. The Thermomix TM6 combines more than 20 appliances in one compact and powerful unit, you can chop, mix, beat, whip, weigh, knead, mill, mince, grate, juice, blend, heat, stir, steam and slow cook quicker and easier than ever. Similar to solar panels a Thermomix is an investment that keeps paying you back in the long term. Pantry staples made easy: With a Thermomix you can easily make pantry staples at a fraction of the supermarket price. Vegetable and chicken stock pastes for example, can be made from only a handful of veggies and herbs and will save you a lot of money compared to buying stock paste cubes every week. Some other staples you can make with the help of a Thermomix include icing sugar, bread, butter, yoghurt, jam, mayonnaise, tortilla wraps, pizza dough and pizza sauces. <RX FDQ HYHQ PLOO \RXU RZQ ULFH ȵRXU ZKLFK is especially good if you are cooking gluten free recipes. Not only will you save a lot of money, you will also avoid the preservatives that can be found in most storebought products. Low-stress lunchbox snacks: Preparing lunchboxes can be a huge headache for many parents. You know that healthy snacks will give your little one the best fuel to make it through a day full of play and learning. But with the rising cost of groceries, it is becoming more challenging to make good choices. And for busy families the alternative of PDNLQJ \RXU RZQ VQDFNV LV DOVR GLɝFXOW Since owning a Thermomix I have learned a few tricks for making healthy snacks for my family, fast. I often make a double batch and create a freezer stash. It is so easy to just take the items from the freezer in the morning that will be defrosted by recess time. I also batch cook to save time and energy. Why not make more and make the most of the hot oven? I usually make banana bread, muesli bars DQG HLWKHU FRRNLHV RU PXɝQV DOO ZLWKLQ RQH hour. How does a Thermomix help with that? Recipes appear on the Thermomix screen and the built-in scales mean you can add the ingredients directly to the bowl without needing to use measuring cups etc. that will need washing up. Despite cooking up a storm the kitchen stays pretty clean. Fake-away your favourite take-away: Save money on take-away food by doing it yourself (fake-away!) It has never been easier and is undoubtfully a big money saver when owning a Thermomix. There are hundreds of recipes to choose from on the Thermomix recipe app Cookidoo. Asian curries, Mexican enchiladas or Italian pizza – the choice is yours. With a Thermomix you can create restaurant quality meals without the price tag. The Cookidoo app not only provides access to recipes from all over the world, it also helps with meal planning and creating shopping lists, both great tools to sticking to your budget. 0HDO SODQQLQJ LV WKH PRVW H΍HFWLYH ZD\ WR stick to a budget and minimising food waste. Check out the recipes by signing up for a free 30 day trial on the Cookidoo website. You can own a Thermomix from as little as under $28 a week with the Zip money interHVW IUHH ȴQDQFH R΍HU Contact your consultant for more information on payment options. The warranty on a brand new Thermomix is 24 months. A consultant is here to help every step of the way after you purchased to help you make the most of your investment. Katrin Finke has been a Thermomix consultant in Bairnsdale since October 2022. 6KH R΍HUV IUHH RQH RQ RQH RU JURXS FRRNing demonstrations for anyone who would OLNH WR ȴQG RXW PRUH DERXW 7KHUPRPL[ RU becoming part of the team. 6KH LV DOVR D TXDOLȴHG 1'Ζ6 3URJUDP &RQsultant for Thermomix and can help NDIS participants gain their independence in the kitchen. Written by Katrin Finke Enrolments are open for 2025 Call the school office on 03 51552712 or email office@lakesent.catholic.edu.au to book your tour All families are welcome! ZZZ ODNHVHQW FDWKROLF HGX DX 7RȰHʃȱʑɠ Ʉɏ DɭʕȲʑɃɏ Book your personalised school tour Modern, spaciou spacious, flexible learning spaces Please contact us on 5152 3897 or email westdale.kin@kindergarten.vic.gov.au for more information 99 Wallace Street, Bairnsdale Behind the hockey pitch OPEN DAY Sunday 26th May | 2-4pm Proudly teaching 2nd generation dancers. Your enquiries & enrolment are welcome. From 3 years. All aspects of Theatrical Dance Cecchetti Ballet, ATOD & GWT