
EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS | 11 WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2024 2024 Orbost Community College was delighted to open its gates in February this year and has been pleased to see how well the VWXGHQWV DQG VWD΍ IURP WKUHH VFKRROV KDYH MRLQHG WRJHWKHU WR EHFRPH RQH FHQWUDO HGXFDWLRQ KXE IRU 2UERVW The college caters for preps to year 12s, with a current enrolment of 370 students. It is presently made up of: - Two prep/grade one classes - One grade two class - Two grade 3/4 classes All in a spacious, built-for-purpose building, LQFOXGLQJ ȵH[LEOH OHDUQLQJ VSDFHV DQG VPDOO break out rooms. Nearby there is a middle school made up of two grade 5/6 classes and two year seven groups ensuring a smooth transition to secondary classes. Young students are catered for with daily maths and literacy sessions focusing on teaching to individual’s point of need: weekly science, art, digital technologies, music and respectful relationship classes. With opportunities for student voice beginning in year three, sleep-overs and camps beginning in prep and running through each year level, Orbost Community College is an H[FLWLQJ SODFH WR EH Catering for the future - enrol now. Orbost Community College an exciting place to be 2UERVW &RPPXQLW\ &ROOHJH ZHOFRPHG LWV QHZ VWXGHQWV LQ )HEUXDU\ WKLV \HDU DQG RɝFLDOO\ RSHQHG LQ $SULO 7KH FROOHJH LV DQ DPDOJDPDWLRQ RI 2UERVW 1RUWK 3ULPDU\ 6FKRRO 2UERVW 6HFRQGDU\ &ROOHJH DQG 2UERVW 3ULPDU\ 6FKRRO EN23757