| EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 2 WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2024 2024 The importance of visual development Visual development in children is a critical aspect of their overall growth, inȵXHQFLQJ KRZ WKH\ SHUFHLYH DQG LQWHUDFW with the world around them. This complex process begins from birth and continues into adolescence, involving the maturation of the eyes and the visual pathways in the brain. EARLY STAGES OF VISUAL DEVELOPMENT Newborns: At birth, a child’s vision is quite limited. Newborns can see objects up to 20-25 centimetres away, mostly in shades of grey. Their visual acuity is poor, and they are unable to focus on distant objects. However, they are naturally attracted to faces and high-contrast patterns, which helps them start recognising their caregivers. 0-3 months: 'XULQJ WKH ȴUVW IHZ PRQWKV VLJQLȴFDQW FKDQJHV RFFXU ΖQIDQWV VWDUW WR develop basic eye coordination and tracking abilities. They begin to focus on objects and follow them with their eyes. Colour vision starts to improve, and by three months, babies can GLVWLQJXLVK EHWZHHQ GLHUHQW FRORXUV 4-6 months: This period marks the development of depth perception and better handeye coordination. Babies begin to understand spatial relationships and can reach for objects with increasing accuracy. They also start WR XVH ERWK H\HV WRJHWKHU PRUH HHFWLYHO\ a crucial step towards developing binocular vision. MID TO LATE STAGES OF VISUAL DEVELOPMENT 6-12 months: As children approach their ȴUVW \HDU WKHLU YLVLRQ FRQWLQXHV WR VKDUSHQ They become adept at recognising familiar faces and objects from a distance. The ability to judge distances and depths improves, supporting their exploratory behavior such as crawling and walking. \HDUV Toddlers’ ability to focus on and track objects is well-developed, and they can see clearer at various distances. This period is essential for the development of complex visual skills, including recognising shapes, colours and letters, which are foundational for later learning. \HDUV Preschool years are critical for &KLOGUHQȇV H\H GHYHORSPHQW LV DQ LPSRUWDQW SDUW RI WKHLU RYHUDOO KHDOWK DQG WKHUH DUH D QXPEHU RI GLHUHQW ZD\V WR VXSSRUW KHDOWK\ YLVXDO GHYHORSPHQW UHȴQLQJ YLVXDO VNLOOV Children develop better eye-hand coordination, which is vital for activities like drawing, writing, and sports. Their visual memory and perception improve, aiding in tasks such as puzzle-solving and identifying patterns. SUPPORTING HEALTHY VISUAL DEVELOPMENT Several practices can support healthy visual development in children: 5HJXODU H\H H[DPV Early detection of vision problems is crucial. Paediatric eye exams can identify issues like strabismus (crossed eyes) or amblyopia (lazy eye) that require prompt intervention. You can book an appointment for an eye exam at Eyecare Plus in Bairnsdale. Stimulating environment: Providing a visually stimulating environment with toys, books and activities that encourage visual exploration can enhance development. Simple activities like playing with blocks, GUDZLQJ DQG LQWHUDFWLYH JDPHV DUH EHQHȴFLDO Balanced diet: Nutrition plays a vital role in eye health. A diet rich in vitamins A, C, and E, along with omega-3 fatty acids, supports optimal visual development. Visual development is a dynamic process that plays a fundamental role in a child’s cognitive and physical growth. By understanding the stages of visual development and promoting healthy visual habits, parents and caregivers can support their children’s ability to see and interact with the ZRUOG HHFWLYHO\ Regular check-ups and a stimulating environment are key to ensuring children reach their full visual potential. For more information about all things sight-related, head to Eyecare Plus Bairnsdale. BE YOUNG, Be Creative Get all your supplies at once and SD\ WKHP R with afterpay! EN23217 everything $W 2ɝFH &KRLFH %DLUQVGDOH ZH KDYH FRYHUHG IRU WKH \RXQJ FUHDWLYH HYHQ WKH FOHDQ XS 1/11 NORTH ST, LAKES ENTRANCE | 5155 2982 LAKES.ENTRANCE.SC@EDUMAIL.VIC.GOV.AU Lakes Entrance Secondary College, in partnership with parents and the community, strives to provide the support, guidance and skills our children need to become grounded, adaptable and successful adults, ready and able to take up the challenges that an engaged and fulfilling life demands. make your way RESPECT TRUST TRY celebrating years EN23783