
EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS | 3 WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2024 2024 All about Jan Pianta School of Dance Jan Pianta School of Dance (JPSD), established in 1982 provides quality dance training to the local community, that is 42 years of sound training methods, developed to meet the needs of today’s modern child. The school has a focus on teachLQJ FRRUGLQDWLRQ SRLVH FRQȴGHQFH rhythmical sense and musicality in all theatrical dance styles, while ensuring that the processes fosters the child’s love and enjoyment of movement. Every parent wants their child to start out right, knowing it is essential to establish safe and strong foundations early. At JPSD, the belief is that young dancers from the age of three need to commence classical ballet training, all age appropriate training, with the Premier Dance Society known as Cecchetti Ballet, now over 100 successful years within Australia. -DQ LV D KLJKO\ H[SHULHQFHG TXDOLȴHG and a registered member of Cecchetti Ballet and many other dance societies to provide safe and exciting training methods. The Cecchetti Ballet method will provide young children with stable, progressive recreational training as ZHOO DV R΍HULQJ WKH VHFXUH WHFKQLFDO base and anatomy knowledge for the beginnings of a career in dance for the system has been carefully structured to ensure that students receive well-balanced training to the senior levels. Jan Pianta welcomes your child into her dance school from their early years to commence their wonderful dance journey. Jan Pianta School of Dance runs dance programs starting at the age of three, including classical ballet classes. (PS) Balmoral Crescent, Eastwood Victoria Ph: 03 5152 4662 - Fax: 03 5152 1792 Email: lucknow.ps@education.vic.gov.au Website: www.lucknow-ps.vic.edu.au We place a great deal of importance on providing a happy, safe and caring environment for your child. Our school values of respect, care, honesty, inclusiveness and commitment are to ensure your child can develop their full potential. VISION STATEMENT At Lucknow Primary School we aim to provide a welcoming community which values learning through shared responsibility. We seek to develop a caring environment in which we nurture confident, creative and resilient individuals who aspire to be the best they can. OUR PURPOSE IS TO INSPIRE CHILDREN TO ACHIEVE THEIR FULL POTENTIAL BY DEVELOPING: • A culture of learning based on positive relationships between students, staff, parents and the wider community. • Academic and social growth based on our values and learning focus. • Responsibility for being self-motivated lifelong learners. • A challenging curriculum appropriate to the needs of all students. • A caring, stimulating and happy learning environment, which fosters high standards of achievement and behaviour. • High expectations for all students to achieve their personal best socially, academically, physically and emotionally. LUCKNOW PRIMARY SCHOOL the future starts here All Families Welcome The small school with the big heart 4-8 Raymond Street, Orbost | 5154 1289 | stjorbost.catholic.edu.au Why St Joseph's? Caring for Self, Caring for Others, Caring for our Environment • High Impact Teaching Strategies of the Victorian Curriculum • Evidence - based learning approaches • We offer a vibrant specialist program including: Visual Arts, Wellbeing, Physical Education, Kitchen Garden, Science, Design & Technology and Auslan • Small Class Sizes • Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support EN23759