
| EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2024 2024 Exploring East Gippsland: A playground for young adventurers and explorers (DVW *LSSVODQG R΍HUV D WUHDVXUH WURYH RI DGYHQWXUHV IRU \RXQJ H[SORUHUV From rugged coastlines to lush forests, this region is a paradise for families seeking outdoor fun and educational experiences. Let’s dive into some of the top activities that make East Gippsland a haven for kids and parents alike. :LOGOLIH HQFRXQWHUV One of the most thrilling experiences for children in East Gippsland is encountering its unique wildlife. The region is home to diverse ecosystems, including wetlands, rivers and mountain ranges, teeming with native species. Kids can spot kangaroos, wallabies, and emus in their natural habitat at places like the Buchan Caves Reserve or Croajingolong National Park. Birdwatching along the Snowy River or Lakes Entrance is also a favourite pastime, R΍HULQJ JOLPSVHV RI FRORXUIXO SDUURWV SHOLcans, and graceful swans. %HDFK DGYHQWXUHV With more than 90 miles of pristine coastline, East Gippsland boasts some of Australia’s most family-friendly beaches. Children can build sandcastles, splash in the gentle waves, and hunt for seashells along the golden sands of Lakes Entrance, Metung, and Mallacoota. 1DWXUH ZDONV DQG WUDLOV For families seeking a dose of adventure, (DVW *LSSVODQG R΍HUV DQ DUUD\ RI QDWXUH walks and hiking trails suited to all ages and abilities. The Lakes National Park features short walks like the Silt Jetties Trail, where kids can learn about the area’s geological wonders. Older children and teens may enjoy longer treks such as the Alpine National Park’s 0RXQW )HDWKHUWRS VXPPLW R΍HULQJ EUHDWKtaking views of the High Country. &XOWXUDO DQG KLVWRULFDO LPPHUVLRQ +LVWRU\ EX΍V DQG FXOWXUH HQWKXVLDVWV ZLOO ȴQG (DVW *LSSVODQGȇV KHULWDJH VLWHV captivating. The Orbost Exhibition Centre and East Gippsland Historical Society Museum in %DLUQVGDOH R΍HU LQWHUDFWLYH H[KLELWV DQG LQformation about Aboriginal history, pioneer life, and environmental conservation. Families can also embark on heritage walks in towns like Bairnsdale and Paynesville, discovering charming architecture and stories from the past. 3ODQQLQJ \RXU (DVW *LSSVODQG DGYHQWXUH When visiting East Gippsland with kids, consider the season and weather conditions to make the most of outdoor activities. Pack sunscreen, hats, and insect repellent for beach days and bushwalks, and always respect wildlife and natural environments. With its blend of nature, wildlife, and cultural experiences, East Gippsland promises an unforgettable journey for families seeking fun and educational adventures. So, why not plan your next family getaway to East Gippsland? It’s a playground waiting to be explored, where every moment is a new discovery for young adventurers and their parents. Celebrating a century at Nungurner Primary 1XQJXUQHU 3ULPDU\ 6FKRRO LV ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG WR FHOHEUDWLQJ WKHLU FHQWHQDU\ FHOHEUDWLRQ RQ WKH ZHHNHQG RI 6HSWHPEHU Nungurner Primary School ZDV RɝFLDOO\ RSHQHG RQ September 15, 1924, and has always been a small school committed to providing students with a broad range of excellent learning and extra-curricular activities. Nungurner Primary School knows that building strong relationships is central in education and this is something they pride themselves on. The small nature of the VFKRRO PHDQV WKDW DOO VWD΍ students and families are well connected to the school and all have a strong sense of belonging, which is a key ingredient for children’s success at school. In planning for the centenary celebration, a common memory that is being recalled by past students is a great fondness for the beautiful learning environment which the school R΍HUV Students still remember the days of cubby building and it is a tradition that continues today. Students are currently enjoying creating a cubby village with students working together from prep to grade six. They’ve currently got a bank, sports shop, general store, op-shop and even a live music venue where children can come and watch live entertainment at recess and lunch. The freedom to play and having a natural environment to learn in are fantastic features of the school. Current and ex-students and families are being encouraged to connect to the Nungurner Primary School centenary page on Facebook and share their memories and experiences of their school days. Please save the date to come along and celebrate the centenary on Saturday, September 14. They are planning a day where current and ex-students can come together and revisit days of old. There will be old fashioned games, dress ups, a photo exhibit, tours of the school and opportunities for current and past students to share their school experiences. If you have a child beginning school in 2025, come for a school visit and experience the great learning environment and opportunities WKDW 1XQJXUQHU R΍HUV LWV students. 1XQJXUQHU 3ULPDU\ 6FKRRO LV JHDULQJ XS IRU LWV FHQWHQDU\ FHOHEUDWLRQ LQ 6HSWHPEHU OFFER VALID UNTIL JUNE 18 Katrin Finke NDIS Program & Thermomix Consultant Scan to buy a Thermomix Now! Add a 2nd bowl for $29* Trade your TM5 and KEEP it! 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