
EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS | 5 WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2024 2024 :HVWGDOH .LQGHUJDUWHQ KDV EHHQ LQ %DLUQVGDOH IRU PRUH WKDQ \HDUV ȴUVWO\ LQ 'D\ Street and then at its current site in Wallace Street since 1991. Westdale’s strong family connection With East Gippsland Shire Council’s reFHQW :25/' VSRUWLQJ SUHFLQFW XSJUDGHV nearing completion, Westdale Kindergarten is excited about being a part of this great development. It is a testament to the shire and the community sporting groups to have created this space for all the community. Westdale Kindergarten looks forward to utilising the netball courts and hockey pitches in the near future for a range of sport sessions such as bike ed, tennis and t-ball. These sessions will be coordinated by past and current Westdale parents and will introduce children to sports in a fun setting. Westdale Kindergarten has been providing a quality child and family focused playbased kindergarten program to the children RI %DLUQVGDOH IRU PRUH WKDQ \HDUV ȴUVWO\ in Day Street and then at the current site in Wallace Street since 1991. $V D QRW IRU SURȴW SDUHQW PDQDJHG NLQdergarten, Westdale is able to provide a service to families that directly involves them. “We have continually maintained our strong community connection and are JUDWLȴHG WKDW QRW RQO\ KDYH ZH EHHQ JLYHQ the opportunity of educating the children of past Westdale students, but also their grandchildren,” a spokesperson said. “We look forward to this strong tradition continuing into the future as we plan for expanding our educational program to provide for 30 hours a week by 2032.” Increasing the hours of play-based learning in the year before school gives children HYHQ JUHDWHU DFFHVV WR WKH PDQ\ EHQHȴWV RI early childhood education. More hours of learning through play each week can increase children’s early literacy and numeracy, and self-regulation skills. Teachers and educators will be able to provide deeper and more deliberate play experiences, which will give children opportunities to embed their learning. More information about the increased hours of funded kindergarten as part of the State Government’s ‘Best Start, Best Life’ reforms can be found online. :HVWGDOH .LQGHUJDUWHQ LV ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG WR EHLQJ SDUW RI WKH :25/' VSRUWLQJ SUHFLQFW development. , '!&*)$, ( '% "+$'&*, , , , ,### +! ))&#) ++ &%*+ !) ' , , CORNER %$ *(, ) + ( *++, '&&+ '"$, (( *#, %" + *% (*$ (* + *'&( , , $ !'(%)", )) + 315 Lake Tyers Beach Road, Lake Tyers Beach, 3909 www.taps.vic.edu.au Phone: 5156 5517 Email: toorloo.arm.ps@education.vic.gov.au TOORLOO ARM PRIMARY SCHOOL OUR SCHOOL VALUES Excellence, quality & persistence | Truth, trust & honesty | Relationships, humour & inclusion TOORLOO ARM PRIMARY SCHOOL LEARNING TOGETHER, SUCCEEDING TOGETHER At Toorloo Arm Primary School we believe that all students can learn given time and support. We have a learning culture that is focussed on high expectations and where individual growth is celebrated. Our programs foster students’ academic, social, emotional and physical development. We build respectful relationships through a range of wellbeing programs, creating an environment where you and your family will feel welcomed, included and respected. We still have vacancies in our FREE 3yo kinder group for 2024! Please contact us on 5157 1458 or email lindenow.kin@kindergarten.vic.gov.au 2025 Enrolments welcome! EN23778