
| EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 8 WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2024 2024 Consider the big picture when choosing a kindergarten Do you think about what your child’s VCE experience may look like when choosing the right kindergarten for your family? Even though year 12 may feel like a world away from your three-year-old, there’s a direct link between these two ends of the education spectrum at Gippsland Grammar, and so much is the same. Not only does a student enjoying kindergarten in the Early Learning Centre (ELC) wear the same crest on their uniform as a student in VCE but they stand by the same set of values and expectations. They are part of the Gippsland Grammar community where they feel safe, valued and worthy to become the best version of themselves. This is a big drawcard for families considering Gippsland Grammar’s Early Learning Centre in Bairnsdale, according to ELC director Lisa Burgess, who has been the heart-and-soul of the school’s ELC programs for the past 20 years. “It’s one school, a complete seamless education,” she said. “When our four-year-old ELC students move into foundation, they only have to move to the other side of the playground fence,” Mrs Burgess said. “It gives both the families and the children comfort and security. “Families also choose our ELC because the understand the importance of our DJH VSHFLȴF DQG VPDOO FODVV JURXSV “And the principals of our early literacy programs have continuity, with the same educational principals taught at our junior campuses.” The Bairnsdale ELC three-year-old ‘ReFHSWLRQȇ SURJUDP R΍HUV WZR IXOO ZKLOH WKH IRXU \HDU ROG Ȇ7UDQVLWLRQȇ SURJUDP R΍HUV three full days. For working families, after-school care is available from Mondays to Fridays until 6pm and a vocational program operates 7am-6pm. To help the four-year-old ‘Transition’ students prepare for primary school, they are SDLUHG ZLWK D \HDU ȴYH ȆEXGG\ȇ IURP WKH ȆELJ school’ for various activities throughout the year, which allows each ELC student to build a strong and caring relationship with an older mentor. Ȋ2XU \HDU ȴYH VWXGHQWV SURYLGH ZRQGHUful role models for their younger ‘buddies’, showing them what it means to be student at Gippsland Grammar,” Mrs Burgess said. ELC teachers work closely with Bairnsdale Campus educators and specialist VWD΍ WR IXOO\ XWLOLVH WKH 6FKRROȇV UHVRXUFHV and daily ELC programs integrate the arts, science, mathematics and language, the development of thinking skills, growth mindset precepts and education about sustainability. These lessons are enriched by weekly specialist lessons in music, Japanese and a Perceptual Motor Program (PMP). Children also attend the library each week to borrow books and foster a love of reading. There are limited places still available in the three and four-year old ELC programs for 2025. Interested families can explore Bairnsdale Campus, located on Bullumwaal Road at Wy Yung, at anytime. Head of Bairnsdale Campus is Virginia Evans and she would love to meet you, show you around and answer any questions you might have. Gippsland Grammar Bairnsdale Campus early learning children Harper Hayes and Hugo Coleman with the carrots they harvested from the kinder garden. The produce then headed to the campus kitchen where students and volunteers from St John’s Anglican Church come together weekly to cook meals for locals in need. (PS) 5156 3232 455 Nungurner Road, Nungurner nungurner.ps@education.vic.gov.au nungurnerps.vic.edu.au • RESPECT • RESILIENCE • RESPONSIBILITY • KINDNESS Please call us for further information on our PREP Transition program. 5 Hope Avenue, Bairnsdale | 5152 3706 St Marys Primary School invites you to our 2025 Enrolment Talk & Tour Sessions 2025