| SNOWYRIVERMAIL.COM.AU 12 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2024 What advice would you give to younger men about mental health? Eddy: Be aware. Talk and mix with others. Doug: Interact with others and enjoy life. Find people with similar interests and maintain those friendships with regular catch ups. Clubs and sporting groups are great to meet people and socialise. Ian: If you feel like you are getting depressed talk to people like parents, a doctor or best mate. There is lots of literature out now which might help those who are struggling that don't have a support network. How do you maintain a positive mindset/ stay mentally healthy? Eddy: Mixing and associating with lots of people. Getting out and doing things with 10th 16th June friends. Don't take life too seriously. Doug: I honestly think having fun with mates and having a laugh. They say laughter is the best medicine. Ian: Growing up we didn't have the problems like they do these days. We just hang out, have a chat and take the micky out of each other. Edmund: I just come to chat at the Bowls Club Coffee Club. What do you think has changed about the discussions around mental health compared to when you were younger? Ian: Mental health isn't really discussed in this group. We see enough discussions on it in the newspaper and on TV. Doug: We don't focus on mental health here at the Coffee Club. Coming to Coffee Club is good for our mental health. We check in on each other's health in general both here and with other friendship groups. If someone is missing on the day we call to check in on them. Eddy: We come here to discuss and vent, we don't specifically call it mental health but are always checking in with each other and talking through things that may be happening in our lives. What changes have you made throughout your life to better your mindset? Ian: I changed my diet and stopped drinking, not that I wanted to though. Eddy: Maintaining contacts like if Bones misses a meeting I would think "I haven't rang Bones for a while I need to give him a call" Remembering who your friends are. Doug: Continuing social gatherings. Covid made us stronger in our friendships. Eddy: Yes, throughout all the lockdowns we all talked on the phone and probably talked more than we ever had, defiantly more than we would normally. MEN’S HEALTH WEEK VOX POP WITH BAIRNSDALE BOWLS CLUB’S COFFEE CLUB EN13800 PH: 0412 622 404 149 Macleod Street, Bairnsdale eastgippslandmyotherapy SCAN THE QR CODE TO BOOK! or give Aaron a call today. Ease your aches! EN23939