Spring Gardening 2024

Gardening | EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 10 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2024 Wash away winter As you prepare your garden this spring, considHU WKH EHQHȴWV RI UHOLDEOH HTXLSPHQW DQG H[SHUW VXSSRUW IURP WKH %DLUQVGDOH %HDULQJV WHDP For all your industrial supplies, Bairnsdale Bearings is the place to go. Bairnsdale Bearings is a family owned, local indusWULDO VXSSOLHU ZLWK D GL΍HUHQFH ZKR JHQXLQHO\ FDUH and deal exclusively in quality products. The team have a vast knowledge of their products and applications to ensure you get the right advice DQG EHVW HTXLSPHQW ȴUVW WLPH :KHWKHU \RX UH DIWHU bearings, vee belts, tools, stainless fasteners, welding supplies or anything else to keep your workshop or plant operating, chances are they have it in stock. Bairnsdale Bearings stock all the big brands, such as Milwaukee, Kincrome, Sutton Tools, Makita and Festool to cater to your needs. %DLUQVGDOH %HDULQJV KDYH D ZHOO VWD΍HG VHUYLFH counter to assist walk-in customers and also support account customers throughout East Gippsland, New 6RXWK :DOHV DQG WKH $&7 Ȃ FXVWRPHUV ZKR UHO\ RQ superior service and rapid supply of parts to keep their plant operating. One product that you need this spring is the Bar *HQXLQH +RQGD 3HWURO 3UHVVXUH :DVKHU SHUIHFW IRU your general spring maintenance around your home. 3UHVVXUH ZDVKLQJ \RXU KRPH V H[WHULRU GULYHZD\ sheds, gutters, decks and more, will increase curb appeal by keeping your space looking fresh, well-kept and attractive. This is the perfect spring product to keep your home free from dirt, grime and allergens that collect on the surface that need to be removed. $W %DLUQVGDOH %HDULQJV WKH\ KDYH %DU *HQXLQH +RQGD 3HWURO 3UHVVXUH :DVKHUV LQ VWRFN UHDG\ WR JR These machines are by far one of the best, featuring $XVWUDOLDQ FHUWLȴHG +RQGD HQJLQHV WKDW DUH XQVWRSpable and problem free. :LWK WZR ZKHHO VWDLQOHVV VWHHO WUROOH\ 36Ζ DW OLWUHV SHU PLQXWH DQG DUH PDQXIDFWXUHG LQ WKH 86$ WKHVH ZDVKHUV FRPH ZLWK DFFHVVRULHV LQFOXGLQJ metres of hose, four quick nozzles, gun and lance, all supplied ready to go. :LWK PDQ\ PRGHO RSWLRQV DYDLODEOH WKH %DLUQVGDOH Bearings team will be able to pair you with the right one. $V ZH UHDFK VSULQJ LGHDO ZHDWKHU FRQGLWLRQV PDNH it the perfect time for a home re-fresh, come and see the Bairnsdale Bearings team for all your gardening power tool supplies. *HW \RXU JDUGHQ UHDG\ IRU VSULQJ ZLWK %DLUQVGDOH %HDULQJV 7KH IDPLO\ RZQHG EXVLQHVV VWRFNV DOO WKH ELJ EUDQGV LQFOXGLQJ 0DNLWD DQG .LQFURPH