Spring Gardening 2024

Gardening EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS | 11 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2024 Clubs thriving Introducing Lakes Entrance Garden Club. This local club has been in existence for more than 50 years as was started in the 1970s by foresighted members of the community to help make everyone more aware of how important private and shire gardens are to the liveability of Lakes Entrance. It’s only only a small feee and the current membership is more than 120 with this being the largest garden club in Gippsland. Meetings are held monthly at the Mechanics Hall in Lakes Entrance on the third Monday with the start time of 1.30pm. There is a show bench with all those beauWLIXO ȵRZHUV IUXLW DQG YHJJLHV WKDW JURZ VR well in Lakes Entrance. Each month there is a guest speaker with such varied topics as verge gardening; exKLELWLQJ DW WKH %DLUQVGDOH 6KRZ ȵD[ ȵRZHUV growing orchids; gardening in Antarctica. The newsletter is emailed or posted out with all the news from the last month. A monthly outing is organised to visit a local garden or other interesting place or event. $OVR D WULS DZD\ IRU WKUHH IRXU GD\V LV RQ the list for this club too – this spring is to the Yarra Valley. If you are interested please come along to WKH PHHWLQJV YLVLWRUV DUH DOZD\V ZHOFRPH Contact details available at the Advertiser RɝFH OMEO GARDENINING Omeo and District Garden Club is small club that meets on the fourth Wednesday of the PRQWK H[FHSW IRU -XO\ 'HFHPEHU DQG -DQXary. Members meet at each other’s place or at a venue. Usually the host will provide tea DQG FR΍HH DQG JXHVWV WDNH WKHLU RZQ OXQFK At the club’s annual general meeting in February members discuss venues for meetLQJV DQG ZKR ZDQWV WR UXQ D UDɞH SUL]H IRU which month. 7KH FOXE KDV D FDVXDO PHHWLQJ HDFK PRQWK a nice get together over a cuppa and a browse around the garden. Members can bring produce for exchange but if you don’t bring anything you are still welcome to take something for a small donation. There is an small annual fee to be paid at WKH $*0 RU DW WKH ȴUVW PHHWLQJ \RX DWWHQG LI you wish to join. Contact Vicki Willcocks or Sandi Beltrame for further information (details available at the Advertiser RɝFH Lakes Entrance Garden Club has monthly meetings with a popular show bench as well as regular outings. Students embracing The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program (SAKGP) has been an integral part of many schools around the country, for many years now, with a number of schools taking up the program around the district. Swan Reach Primary School has an established JDUGHQ DQG NLWFKHQ DQG has been active for more WKDQ \HDUV ZKLOH %XFKDQ Primary School are just starting up this year. The SAKGP is an integrated curriculum that incorSRUDWHV PDWKV (QJOLVK science and art. It also encourages students to work in teams. $W %XFKDQ WKH VHWWLQJ XS of the program has taken WKH VHPHVWHU SXUFKDVLQJ JDUGHQ EHGV ȴQGLQJ VRPH ȵDW JURXQG WR SXW WKH EHGV WKHQ ȴOOLQJ WKH EHGV in preparation for winter crops. Once they have planted all WKH EHGV RXW VWXGHQWV FDQ start concentrating on the cooking aspect. The vision of the SAKGP is IRU WKH NLGV WR SODQW JURZ KDUYHVW FRRN DQG HDW WKH produce – all life skills they can use in the future. Buchan Primary School students embrace their Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. (PS) School students using their own produce from the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program in their cooking classes. 14 McMillan Street Bairnsdale | 0418 516 307 •Soils & Manured Top Soils • Packing Sand • Brick Sand • Mulches • Trucks For Hire • Pebbles • Rocks •Washed Sand •Crushed Rock & Screening • Gravel •Screened Sands S To P B M Tr P DO YOU WANT YOUR GRASS TO BE THE ON THE STREET? Come & chat to the team for Sand, Soil & Fertilising options to kick start your grass this Spring