Spring Gardening 2024

Gardening | EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 12 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2024 Spring is in the air and it’s the perfect time to start rejuvenating your lawn and garden. At Jarvis Sand and Soil, Trevor, Sam and the team are here to help you make the most of this vibrant season with top-quality landscaping supplies and expert advice. Whether you’re laying down a new lawn, renovating an existing one or preparing your veggie garden, they have everything you need to create the outdoor space you’ve always envisioned. As the ground warms up, it’s the ideal time to focus on lawn renovations. Jarvis Sand and Soil’s selection of specialised soil blends will enVXUH \RXU ODZQ ȵRXULVKHV 7R NHHS weeds at bay their extensive range of mulches not only enhance your garden’s appearance but also act as a natural weed suppressant, keeping your plants healthy and your garden looking its best. Spring is also prime time for veggie gardens and Jarvis Sand and Soil offers the perfect mix of nutrient-rich soils to help your garden beds yield a bountiful harvest. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a DIY enthusiast, their quality landscaping supplies — from decorative gravels and stones to large rocks — will bring your landscaping vision to life. Trevor, Sam and the rest of the team at Jarvis understand the importance of convenience. That’s why their delivery services are designed to meet your needs, whethHU \RX UHTXLUH D VPDOO WUXFN WKDW ȴWV comfortably in your driveway or a larger vehicle for bigger loads. Prefer to pick up your materials? Jarvis Sand and Soil is just as happy to load your trailer. As a family-owned and operated business, Jarvis Sand and Soil SULGHV LWVHOI RQ R΍HULQJ WKH EHVW quality products and personalised service. With years of industry experience, the knowledgeable team is here to guide you every step of the way, helping you create the garden you deserve. Trust Jarvis Sand and Soil — Bairnsdale’s premier choice for all your spring landscaping needs. Refresh your garden with Jarvis 7KH WHDP DW -DUYLV 6DQG DQG 6RLO KDV HYHU\WKLQJ \RX QHHG WR UHMXYHQDWH \RXU JDUGHQ WKLV VSULQJ LQFOXGLQJ D YDULHW\ RI GL΍HUHQW PXOFKHV GARDENING SEND IN YOUR AMAZING GARDENING PHOTOS TO WIN GREAT PRIZES. To enter: Send photos to Competition entry ends: Entries will be published in the Bairnsdale Advertiser, Lakes Post and Snowy River Mail on the Wednesday 18th September 2024 ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱