Spring Gardening 2024

Gardening | EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 4 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2024 Based in Bruthen, Bare Regenesis specialises in regenerative soil and micronutrient production and in building sustainable permaculture bases, systems and structures. Here are some of their tips on building your very own garden bed: The height of the garden bed should be around 70cm to 100cm, as no one likes stooping down or crouching all the time. Soil contact with the ground through shade cloth or weed mat is preferred. This contact allows earthworms and other benHȴFLDO FUHDWXUHV WR FRPH DQG JR DV WKH\ please and allows for the Earth’s energy to do the same. If you can’t manage building one that’s full height, then building smaller beds on stilts FDQ EH MXVW DV H΍HFWLYH DW VDYLQJ \RXU EDFN It’s worth stating here that ease of access across the bed should also be considered. Between 100cm to 150cm across is about right, so you can access all of the bed easily without stretching. Wooden beds should be lined on the sides with heavy duty plastic to aid in their longevity. As far as materials goes, the best things in life are free, up-cycle whenever possible. Bare Regenesis has two types of vegetable bed that will also save you money on soil: The Wicking Bed - This resembles a rock ȴOOHG SDGGOLQJ SRRO IRU \RXU SODQWV The bottom 50 per cent is replaced with scoria or 20mil ag rocks. Top with hessian or other weed suppresVDQW DQG ȴQLVK R΍ ZLWK VRLO This allows for a lot less watering, just enVXUH DQ RYHUȵRZ SLSH LV LQVWDOOHG EHORZ WKH level of the soil. The Hügelkultur Bed – Place branches or old wood pieces of varying sizes in the bottom 50 per cent of the bed and top with soil. It too requires less watering, as the wood holds moisture, and as it breaks down it increases the fungal content of the soil. Most plants prefer a one-to-one fungal to bacterial ratio. Grass prefers a higher bacterial ratio, so if \RX GRQȇW ZDQW D NLNX\X ȴOOHG JDUGHQ EHG increase the fungal content of your soil by adding wood below ground, and leaves, or heavier woody mulch above, once the seedlings are established. 7R ȴQG RXW KRZ WR LPSURYH \RXU VRLO RUganically at home and more, visit the Bare Regenesis website. Your back will thank you Bruthen-based business, Bare Regenesis, focuses on regenerative soil and micronutrient production and building sustainable permaculture bases, systems and structures. Branch out with East Gippsland Tree Works East Gippsland Tree Works is a locally-based team focused on all your tree-related needs. You can feel comfortable with their qualLȴHG H[SHULHQFHG DUERULVWV PDLQWDLQLQJ trees close to your dwelling. 7KHLU SURIHVVLRQDO WHDP LV H[SHULHQFHG and are constantly improving their knowlHGJH DQG TXDOLȴFDWLRQV WR EHWWHU VHUYH WKHLU customers. Customer satisfaction is of great importance to the team at East Gippsland Tree Works, therefore their work is quality assured. 7KHLU FUHZ LV TXDOLȴHG H[SHULHQFHG DQG strictly follow workplace laws as set by Work Safe Victoria. Their reputation speaks for itself; they’ve been providing tree services across the Gippsland and Mornington Peninsula regions to their clients for more than 30 years. 6WXDUW RZQHU DQG TXDOLȴHG DUERULVW KDV been in the tree removal business for more than 20 years. With a 24-hour emergency/storm damage service, you can rest assured that East Gippsland Tree Works will provide immediate response and assistance to you when you need it. They will give you immediate assistance with a written quotation and attempt to do any emergency work within 48 hours of your initial contact - once they have approval they will promptly make the site safe and commence the work as soon as possible. East Gippsland Tree Works’ 24-hour storm and emergency service is available 365 days a year, fees apply. There’s no job too big or too small for East Gippsland Tree Works, whether it be residential, commercial or rural, they have the HTXLSPHQW NQRZOHGJH DQG H[SHULHQFH WR provide and advise suggestions and strategies to successfully complete your job. From a small trimming job in the residential backyard, to removing tall pine trees, to complete block clears of any size, East Gippsland Tree Works are able to help you. They are available for contact via their ofȴFH PRELOH )DFHERRN DQG HPDLO DGGUHVV East Gippsland Tree Works has been providing tree services across the Gippsland and Mornington Peninsula areas for more than 30 years. 0408 171 470 CALL US FOR A FREE QUOTE: www.eastgippslandtreeworks.com.au QUALIFIED ARBORISTS Providing 5 star service for over 20 years. No job too big or too small | Fully Insured • Lopping and Felling • Wood Chipping • Wood Splitting and Firewood • Mulch Sales • 24/7 Emergency Tree Works • Stumps • Land Clearing - DESIGN - IMPLEMENTATION - MAINTENENCE - EXPERTISE 0427 913 025 bareregenesis.com 0 b