Spring Gardening 2024

Gardening EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS | 5 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2024 A garden institution Grow Master Sale has been family owned for more than 50 years and was established by Leo and Emmy Van Berkel in the early 1960s. Known as Van’s nursery, the business is continuing with the next generation, Michael and Anne. The business is a Sale institution for garden and gifts, inside and out. Grow Master Sale’s products include: - Seedlings - Trees - Plants - Water pants - Natives - Pots - Water features - Herbs - Ornaments - Fruit trees - Citrus - Gift vouchers - Jewellery Grow Master has the widest range of plants in East *LSSVODQG DQG R΍HUV GHOLYery in the Bairnsdale area (conditons apply). *URZ 0DVWHU 6DOH KDV DQ H[WHQVLYH UDQJH RI VHHGOLQJV RQ R΍HU 7KHUH LV D ZLGH YDULHW\ RI SODQWV DQG ȵRZHUV DW *URZ 0DVWHU 6DOH Growing and growing Lachlan Bull’s passion for plants is growing and growing. The young operator of Bull %RWDQLFV ȴUVW RSHQHG WKH doors to his small store opposite the popular Exchange House in August 2022 and earlier this year expanded, reopening a full nursery. “Expanding was always part of my plan,” Lachlan said. “It thrills me to curate and showcase a selection of plants that people might otherwise never see, the new outdoor area drastically increases the scope of that.” The site at 53 Princes Highway, Lucknow, had previously been a popular nursery for many years, however in recent times it had become a bare, vacant piece of land. Lachlan and his small team at Bull Botanics have brought it back to life with the nursery now bright and light with a wide variety of plants. “East Gippsland has a wide range of climates and soil types, allowing a fairly diverse range of plants to thrive here,” Lachlan said. “Generally native plants perform exceptionally well and do a superior job of attracting our local wildlife into the garden. “In short I believe plants are inherently beautiful, fascinating and intelligent creatures. I think if more people learned about and understood some of their inner workings they would be awestruck by their intricacies and complexity.” Lachlan didn’t grow up with a love of plants, however grew to embrace them and it’s now a passion. “I certainly wasn’t born with a green thumb. I’ve killed plants in almost every way imaginable,” he said. “However, I think that’s the only way to learn and identify what has gone wrong, why it’s gone wrong, and how to ȴ[ LW ȋ Lachlan loves indoor plants, having said that he isn’t a fan of all plants. “I despise yuccas, agapanthus and nandinas - utter horticultural abominations,” he said. “It’s a tough call, my interests are forever evolving, but right now I’m especially into indoor plants. “Most of the really unique varieties we have come from the subtropics, though that’s likely to change as we continue to explore and expand our collection.” LACHLAN’S TOP GARDENING TIPS - Start with the soil: “I’m a big proponent of the soil food web and its impact on plant health. Prioritise building and maintaining healthy soil to support your plants; a strong foundation makes all the GL΍HUHQFH ȋ - Choose the right plants for the right place: “Select a variety that is appropriate for its intended location. You’re ȴJKWLQJ D ORVLQJ EDWWOH WU\LQJ to grow a plant where it isn’t adapted. Light, temperature, wind, soil type, etc, are all important factors to consider.” - Monitor your plants regularly: “Early detection of pests and diseases makes them much easier to manage. Some plants are more SURQH WR VSHFLȴF SUREOHPV VR knowing what to look out for can give you an upper hand in maintaining plant health.” Bull Botanics continues to grow. Bull Botanics’ range of indoor, outdoor plants and pots is ever expanding. Bull Botanics 53 Princes Hwy, Bairnsdale Get your garden EN25044 Delivery Available to Bairnsdale 34-38 Princes Hwy, Sale | 5144 4338 *CONDITIONS APPLY * RANGE OF PLANTS & TREES IN EAST GIPPSLAND biggest FOR THE EN25163