Spring Gardening 2024

| EAST GIPPSLAND NEWSPAPERS 6 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2024 Jaxon Grade Four, St Brendan’s Primary School Q1 - Make sure that you spray the fruit trees with natural things that get rid of pests. Q2 - Over planting and over watering is something you should not do during spring time. Billie Grade Three, St Brendan’s Primary School Q1 - During spring it is important to weed the garden because plants need space to grow. Q2 - You could avoid planting during frosty times because plants will not grow properly and then it is a waste of time and money. Ava Grade Three, St Brendan’s Primary School Q1 - Weeding because spring is the main weed season and the weeds take up space that the plants need to grow and survive. Q2 - You could avoid planting during frosting times because plants will not grow. Anne-Marie Rivera Garden Centre Q1 - My biggest tip would be organising a General cleanup of your gardens before WKH EXVKȴUH VHDVRQ VWDUWV Q2 - Planting your new vegetables too early. Buzzzzzy Bee The Beehive 4 0DNH VXUH \RX SODQW ORWV RI ODYHQGHU SRSSLHV DQG VXQȵRZHUV WKHVH DUH some of my favourites and I love having new gardens to visit. Q2 - Removing our hives without professional assistance, I know we may look scary, but truth be told we only sting when we’re scared. We love your gardens and sometimes call them home for a while, but if you need us to rent elsewhere, please hire a professional.