Fathers Day Feature

| BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU 14 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2024 Make Dad’s day by shopping at these local businesses! SEP1 2 0 2 4 Tred GT Recovery Device Tred Recov De COMPACT IN-CAR UHF RADIO BAIRNSDALE sales@bairnsdale.autobarn.com.au 209 Main Street | 5153 0777 Available Here EN25039 GT ery dG ve y evice NEW RANGE CHEMICAL PACK DONTE TO SUPPORT MEN’S HEALTH! 12TH AUG - 1ST SEPTEMBER MiniGolf, Lollies HAPPY FATHER’S DAY FREE Attention All Fathers! Ben: 0412 963 639or 5155 1488 549 THE ESPLANADE LAKES ENTRANCE & ICE CREAM BEER 1800 991 234 www.swfgroup.com.au 469 Princes Hwy, Bairnsdale Great range of Father s Day gifts in-store.

BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU | 15 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2024 DAD By Billie Dad’s name: Joshua My dad is a superstar at basketball and football. You know why because he is very strong as a tiger. I just love him so very much. He is a trustworthy, supportive, helpful, kind man because he takes care of me and feeds me and gives me ideas for my extra work at home. I just love him so very much. He has a beautiful smile, green eyes and has a big red beard. I just love him so very much. He is a fantastic father of mine. He makes me laugh and calls me funny names. He taught me how to speak and how to ride a bike. Taught me how to swim in the ocean and lake I just love him so much, I just love him. All About my Dad By Zari Dad’s name: Jay Dad, you are amazing because you help me and Zane when we don’t know how to ȴ[ VWX΍ Like when I got stuck on a question you KHOSHG PH Dad, you build things for me and Zane like the cubby in the bush we all made WRJHWKHU <RX DUH DV WDOO DV WKH GRRU <RX DUH DV VPDUW DV WKH VPDUWHVW SHUVRQ RQ (DUWK <RX UHDG OLNH D UHDGLQJ PDFKLQH <RX ORYH ȴVKLQJ DQG IRRWEDOO WE LOVE YOU DAD!!!!!!! The BEST Dad on Earth By Brock Dad’s name: Scott +H LV VPDUW DQG OLNHV ULGLQJ KLV GLUW ELNH ZLWK PH +HȇV JRRG DW ȴ[LQJ PLQH KLV DQG 6RSKLHȇV GLUW ELNHV +H OLNHV VRPH RI WKH WKLQJV WKDW Ζ OLNH :H ERWK OLNH PXVWDUG +H OLNHV HDWLQJ LQ WKH ORXQJH URRP ZKLOH P\ VLVWHUV HDW LQ WKH NLWFKHQ Ζ OLNH JRLQJ WR KLV ZRUN DQG Ζ OLNH ZKHQ Ζ ȴOO XS D ELJ dump truck when I go to his work and eating donuts! Mila Aubanel London Austin Maggie Dawson Tyler Austin August Lexi August Zack Remi 1st

| BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU 16 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2024 DAD By Lucas Rickman Dad’s name: Toby My dad is the best. He lights me up like a big fest. He works really hard to have a good day, and to get a good pay. He hugs me tight every night. $QG LV DOZD\V NLQG WR ¿QG the love inside everyone. That’s why my dad is the BEST. HAPPY FATHERS DAY By William Dad’s name: Peter You make me laugh again and again, you make me light up like a big festival. You are the most funny, caring and loving person. Your face makes me look up to you and want to smile. You are the bravest and the best, and the amount you do with me is astonishing. You are my favourite dad in the world. You are the best and that’s why I admire you, and that will never change. I hope you have the most fantastic Father’s Day. Father’s Day Poem By Kobe Dad’s name: Bart Dad, I love you because you like to watch tv with me. Ζ OLNH VQXJJOLQJ WRJHWKHU DQG EXLOGLQJ VWX΍ DQG SOD\LQJ /HJR Star Wars the Force Awakens. You’re as cool as a cucumber and we both go for Hawthorn. <RXȇUH DV FXGGO\ DV P\ SOXVKLHV Jensen Indi Macie Aspen Lyla Sophie Perry Hunter Olli Annabella 3rd

BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU | 17 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2024 A Poem for James Made by: Blake Dad’s name: James Dad, you are as slow as a snail. You are great at kicking the footy. You go crazy at the Nicholson Hotel when you see your friends. You go for Melbourne Storm and Carlton Blues. You are so happy that Melbourne Storm is on top of the NRL ladder. You are fantastic at freestyle swimming. You used to be FANTASTIC AT BUTTERFLY. You teach me times tables and you are a huge fan of Jamie Oliver. You love your job. You love watching Vera, make you laugh out loud episodes and cooking shows. We love it when you take us to the AFL oval in Swifts Creek, Toorloo Arm and Lakes Entrance. We love, love, love it when you buy us AFL cards. You make the most delicious fruit salads. We really appreciate it when you take us to Jemmy’s Point. We are sure Hank loves it too. You always stop to have a chat with your friends when we are down the street. You love beer and red wine. You are the best dad in the whole world and I mean it A LOT. Dad By Daniel Dad’s name: Tom Dad is so tremendously clever, he will never have to use a piece of paper. He is so fast, KLV VWDPLQD ZLOO GHȴQLWHO\ ODVW He is a very safe driver; he can’t ever have a car accident. He always works so extremely hard, LV YHU\ ȴW DQG ZRQȇW UHOD[ IRU ORQJ My Dad Poem Author: Harriet 'DGȇV QDPH &UDLJ 'DG WKDQN \RX IRU HQWHUWDLQLQJ PH ZKHQ Ζ DP sad! You are as cuddly as a koala. Ζ ORYH KRZ \RX /29( WKH FOHDU EXEEO\ RFHDQ DV PXFK DV D EXQFK RI GROSKLQV You love ham and all other types of food, just QRW P\ GRJ )UDQNLHȇV IRRG You are as smart as a scientist with your sucFHVVIXO EXVLQHVV FDOOHG &56 <RX ORYH EDVNHWEDOO \RX ORYH VXUȴQJ DQG RI FRXUVH \RX ORYH 0( $QG WKDWȇV ZK\ Ζ ORYH \RX Kayden Eden Annabelle Makeeli Will Winston Lola Stevie Elena Whelan 2nd

| BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU 18 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2024 DAD By Matilda Dad’s name: Craig My Dad is really funny because he says silly stuff. He does work at Aldi and is very brave. He is a very thoughtful person because he helps me. My Dad is good at playing games and he is my Hero! Dad By Madison Dad’s name: Bill Dad, you are so fabulously funny like no other dad. You’re the smartest person I’ve ever met. You’re beautiful every day and you always will be. You’re way busier than a bee. And as strong as an elephant. We love riding motorbikes together. You are trustworthy even when you are minding our scrumptious food. Noah Chad Kolii Max Abby William Thomas Eleanor Axel Oscar

BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU | 19 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2024 Dad By Gus Dad’s name: Luke Dad, you are generous to people. Dad, you are as strong as a gorilla. Dad, you are smarter than Albert Einstein. Dad, you know more than a lot about the world. Dad, you are so so epic. Dad, you celebrate better than anybody. Dad, you are as fast as a cheetah. Dad, you are as tall as a dragon. Dad, you are a football legend to me. Dad, you are a nurse practitioner. Dad, you are good at making soup. Dad, you are so so so so so so so so fabulous. Dad, you are a basketball champion to everyone. Dad YOU ROCK!!!!! My Dad By Tilly Dad’s name: Dane My Dad is so cool you cannot even picture how cool he is. He can make things fun when they are not. 2Q WKH ZHHNHQGV KH OLNHV WR OLJKW D QLFH DQG ZDUP ¿UH LQ WKH backyard but he especially likes it extremely hot. My Dad rocks like a Rockstar. His favourite colour is red because everything that is red looks so so so cool. But you have to smile, that is the ONE RULE. He loves to laugh and to see other people laugh too. He is so so super his hugs feel like a grizzly bear hugging me. Dad, you are fantastic. You can do lots of cool things like your writing is neat and you don’t care what people think. You look after me and Ollie when mum is at work. But best of all you are different and that is good. I wouldn’t want a dad that is boring! DAD by Blaise Dad’s name: Brett My dad is as cool as a Rockstar. He works as an electrician and is as strong as a lion. +H HQMR\V PRWRUELNH ULGLQJ DQG ȴVKLQJ 0\ GDG LV DPD]LQJ EHFDXVH KH WDNHV PH ELNH ULGLQJ DQG KH LV YHU\ HQWHUWDLQLQJ Audrey Zoey Jude Kiri Annabel Maddy Evelyn Scarlett Archer 4th