Fathers Day Feature

BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU | 15 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2024 DAD By Billie Dad’s name: Joshua My dad is a superstar at basketball and football. You know why because he is very strong as a tiger. I just love him so very much. He is a trustworthy, supportive, helpful, kind man because he takes care of me and feeds me and gives me ideas for my extra work at home. I just love him so very much. He has a beautiful smile, green eyes and has a big red beard. I just love him so very much. He is a fantastic father of mine. He makes me laugh and calls me funny names. He taught me how to speak and how to ride a bike. Taught me how to swim in the ocean and lake I just love him so much, I just love him. All About my Dad By Zari Dad’s name: Jay Dad, you are amazing because you help me and Zane when we don’t know how to ȴ[ VWX΍ Like when I got stuck on a question you KHOSHG PH Dad, you build things for me and Zane like the cubby in the bush we all made WRJHWKHU <RX DUH DV WDOO DV WKH GRRU <RX DUH DV VPDUW DV WKH VPDUWHVW SHUVRQ RQ (DUWK <RX UHDG OLNH D UHDGLQJ PDFKLQH <RX ORYH ȴVKLQJ DQG IRRWEDOO WE LOVE YOU DAD!!!!!!! The BEST Dad on Earth By Brock Dad’s name: Scott +H LV VPDUW DQG OLNHV ULGLQJ KLV GLUW ELNH ZLWK PH +HȇV JRRG DW ȴ[LQJ PLQH KLV DQG 6RSKLHȇV GLUW ELNHV +H OLNHV VRPH RI WKH WKLQJV WKDW Ζ OLNH :H ERWK OLNH PXVWDUG +H OLNHV HDWLQJ LQ WKH ORXQJH URRP ZKLOH P\ VLVWHUV HDW LQ WKH NLWFKHQ Ζ OLNH JRLQJ WR KLV ZRUN DQG Ζ OLNH ZKHQ Ζ ȴOO XS D ELJ dump truck when I go to his work and eating donuts! Mila Aubanel London Austin Maggie Dawson Tyler Austin August Lexi August Zack Remi 1st