Fathers Day Feature

BAIRNSDALEADVERTISER.COM.AU | 17 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2024 A Poem for James Made by: Blake Dad’s name: James Dad, you are as slow as a snail. You are great at kicking the footy. You go crazy at the Nicholson Hotel when you see your friends. You go for Melbourne Storm and Carlton Blues. You are so happy that Melbourne Storm is on top of the NRL ladder. You are fantastic at freestyle swimming. You used to be FANTASTIC AT BUTTERFLY. You teach me times tables and you are a huge fan of Jamie Oliver. You love your job. You love watching Vera, make you laugh out loud episodes and cooking shows. We love it when you take us to the AFL oval in Swifts Creek, Toorloo Arm and Lakes Entrance. We love, love, love it when you buy us AFL cards. You make the most delicious fruit salads. We really appreciate it when you take us to Jemmy’s Point. We are sure Hank loves it too. You always stop to have a chat with your friends when we are down the street. You love beer and red wine. You are the best dad in the whole world and I mean it A LOT. Dad By Daniel Dad’s name: Tom Dad is so tremendously clever, he will never have to use a piece of paper. He is so fast, KLV VWDPLQD ZLOO GHȴQLWHO\ ODVW He is a very safe driver; he can’t ever have a car accident. He always works so extremely hard, LV YHU\ ȴW DQG ZRQȇW UHOD[ IRU ORQJ My Dad Poem Author: Harriet 'DGȇV QDPH &UDLJ 'DG WKDQN \RX IRU HQWHUWDLQLQJ PH ZKHQ Ζ DP sad! You are as cuddly as a koala. Ζ ORYH KRZ \RX /29( WKH FOHDU EXEEO\ RFHDQ DV PXFK DV D EXQFK RI GROSKLQV You love ham and all other types of food, just QRW P\ GRJ )UDQNLHȇV IRRG You are as smart as a scientist with your sucFHVVIXO EXVLQHVV FDOOHG &56 <RX ORYH EDVNHWEDOO \RX ORYH VXUȴQJ DQG RI FRXUVH \RX ORYH 0( $QG WKDWȇV ZK\ Ζ ORYH \RX Kayden Eden Annabelle Makeeli Will Winston Lola Stevie Elena Whelan 2nd