CSIRO reports vulnerability

CSIRO reports vulnerability

A CSIRO report into the vulnerability of the Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site and its catchment to bushfire and climate change has found it faces many threats ranging from pollution, invasive species, climate change and bushfires.
The report’s authors say understanding these threats “is critical to inform the current and future management of the site”.
The Gippsland Lakes, a group of coastal lagoons and marshes fed by river systems, is the largest estuarine lagoon system in Australia covering an area of more than 61,000 hectares.
The Lakes were listed as wetlands of international importance under the Ramsar Convention in 1982 requiring certain obligations, including managing the site to maintain its ecological characters and to have procedures in place to detect if any threatening processes are likely to, or have altered, the ecological character.
The CSIRO report was funded as part of the Australian Government’s $200 million bushfire response in the wake of the 2019-2020 bushfires, which burned 870,000 hectares, or 59 per cent, of East Gippsland forests and coastal ecosystems.

IMAGE: A CSIRO report into the Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site and its catchment has found it faces many threats. K291-7079

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