Ever thought of a family holiday, in the sun and by the sea, with music, swimming, kayaking, good food, people of all ages, and a common, uniting concern for our future in these times of fire, drought, floods and habitat loss for our unique wildlife?
Last year Ro Gooch answered the call from a then little known climate group. Not any longer.
“Rising Tide was calling for 1000 people to join a blockade of the Newcastle coal port – the biggest coal port in the world,” she said.
“Why blockade the port? Because fossil fuel emissions, predominantly from coal (carbon) and gas (methane) are killing our planet as we know it. Australia is a big miner and exporter of these fossil fuels, and whether the emissions are released overseas with our exported coal and gas, or here in Australia, the result is the same. Dangerous levels of emissions put Australia’s and the planet’s climate and way of life in extreme peril.
“As with the civil rights movement in the US in the 1960s and 1970s, that amassed huge numbers for their Freedom marches, Rising Tide’s blockade was designed to emphatically demonstrate people power to Government, and the urgent need for those responsible to stop approving new coal and gas mines.
“The Newcastle Port blockade in October 2023 attracted not one but 3000 people, 2000 more than the movement had dreamed of. People came from all over Australia – from Queensland, to WA, to Victoria and Tasmania. Those numbers show how much support there is from young and old alike to put a stop to future mining and export of fossil fuels.
“The oldest protester there was well into his 90s and the young ones included children and many passionate, informed teenagers. What we hadn’t known, was how much fun it would be.
“Rising Tide invites you, friends and family to come to the Newcastle Port blockade again this year, in late November. Have a life-affirming, enjoyable time while sending a potent message to those politicians who hold our future in their hands. The target this time is 10,000 people. The planning for this year’s big event has already begun and we invite you to join us.”
East Gippsland Climate Action Network, on behalf of Rising Tide, invites the public to an short film of last year’s blockade a brief presentation about Rising Tide, The First Wave in Bairnsdale on June 20 at the Neighbourhood House, and in Lakes Entrance on June 25 at the Slipway (FLOAT), both from 6 to 7.30pm.
IMAGE: Climate group, Rising Tide, is inviting residents to join this year’s Newcastle Port blockade, which is set to be held in late November. Last year’s blockade attracted around 3000 people.