Thursday, 16 May 2024
65 Macleod Street, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 - P: (03) 5150 2300

Local News

Car thefts rife

Car thefts rife

Bairnsdale police are investigating a spate of thefts from cars parked in residential streets in the town over January.
Police believe a group of youths are responsible for the opportunistic thefts and are urging people to lock their vehicles.
Since January 7 there have been 13 thefts from unlocked vehicles in the Bairnsdale area and three attempted thefts on locked cars.
Sergeant Trish Merrett says vehicles left unlocked had wallets, cash, phones, laptops and other valuables stolen.

Image: Sergeant Trish Merrett of Bairnsdale Police checks to see a vehicle is locked and no valuables have been left inside.

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