Eastwood Landcare Group took part in tree planting activities for National Tree Day on Sunday, July 29, on a public land site known by the group as ‘The Knoll’ .
The group was joined by several members of the Ro- tary Club of Mitchell River and a small enthusiastic band of interested community members.
With funding first provided in the 2016/17 year by the Victorian Government through the Regional Riparian Action Plan grant pro- gram, the group began work on The Knoll under the guidance of the land manager, East Gippsland Shire Council, in a bid to control invasive weeds, including Chilean needle grass, blackberries and box thorn to name a few.
As part of the integrated management strategy, the planting of indigenous grass- es and tree seedlings began in June 2017.
Additional support for the project has been provided overtime by GLaWAC On Country team and the Department of Justice work crew.
Other objectives of the project include the replication of natural landscapes and characteristics while building community awareness of bio- diversity values; revegetation enhancement that will pro- vide a filter resulting in reduction of nutrients and sediment run-off from adjoining farmland into waterways and ultimately the Gippsland Lakes; the promotion of habitat for native flora, fauna and birdlife and the enhancement of recreational opportunities for nature enthusiasts.
As a site of significance to indigenous people, a cultural heritage permit allows restricted works required to re- habilitate the land.
Planting of additional indigenous species on The Knoll on National Tree Day culminated in the finalisation of the group’ s 2017/18 revegetation program on the site.
Public interest in the project is growing and the group invites interested community members to join one of its fortnightly working bees to learn more about Landcare and the group’ s activities in Eastwood.