Kalbar Resources, the proponent of the Fingerboards mineral sands mine at Glenaladale, says the company is looking forward to the finalisation of the Environment Effects Statement (EES) for the project, which will provide a thorough scientific assessment, based on factual evidence.
“We respect the valid concerns in the community about the potential impact of the project, but there is some information in circulation that is factually incorrect and very misleading,” Kalbar chief executive officer, Dr Victor Hugo, said.
“For example, we are aware of claims that the mine will be the same size as the Hazelwood open cut coal mine, which is simply not true.”
While the overall project area is 1675 hectares, mining will only take up approximately 120 hectares at any given time. This is about one-tenth of the size of the Hazelwood mine, and the mineral sands mining process involves the backfilling and rehabilitation of mined land as the project progresses.
Dr Hugo said comparisons of a mineral sands mine to an open cut coal mine are very misleading. “Approximately 95 per cent of the mined material is returned to the void as soon as the valuable minerals are separated,” he said.
Rehabilitation of the proposed mine will start within three years of operation and will return the whole mine site to agriculture and native grassland within five years of the completion of operations, according to Dr Hugo.
“Studies undertaken on air quality, surface water and groundwater for the Fingerboards project indicate that potential environmental risks associated with the project can be appropriately managed,” he said.
“We have provided details of chemical analysis of the soils and ore body at the Fingerboards, which show that the soils and tailings are chemically similar to the surrounding area used for farming and horticulture, so we are surprised to hear incorrect claims about what is in the ground.”
Dr Hugo said over the past two years Kalbar Resources has regularly invited anti-mining groups to meet with the company and its technical experts to discuss their concerns and clarify information about the project, but the offer is rarely taken up.
“We trust the majority of the East Gippsland community to consider all the evidence before reaching any conclusions,” he said.
He points to many mineral sands mining projects in farming areas across Australia that have brought significant benefits to regional communities without causing environmental harm.
“Considering the potential economic benefits of the project, including the creation of an estimated 200 direct jobs and another 200 indirect jobs in a region of high youth unemployment, it deserves to be considered based on factual evidence, not speculation or misinformation,” Dr Hugo said.
“We maintain an open invitation to community members to ask questions and discuss any concerns about the project, or to let us know if they have information, which is contrary to what we publish, as we are committed to ensuring that people have access to the facts about the project.”
The EES will be released for public comment later this year.
Pictured: The Environment Effects Statement (EES) for Kalbar Resources proposed mineral sands mine at the Fingerboards, Glenaladale, will be released for public comment later this year.