East Gippsland Shire Councillors heard the concerns of residents regarding the council’ s Revised Draft Budget and proposed rate changes last Tuesday at a section 223 hearing. The revised budget is set to be put forward for council’s adoption at its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 25.
Forty-six submissions were made from community members following the release of the original Draft Budget, highlighting the ratepayer concerns of increased rates, particularly on drought-affected farming properties and their owners.
The committee of council will consider all 46 submissions before the June 25 meeting.
Arguments against rate increases centred around drought conditions and reduced stock numbers, the economic flow-on effect from those affected by drought and the long-term effect on farmers.
“I plead, plead, plead with you to worry about our ratepayers and how they are coping, I plead with you to freeze the rates, give us a chance to look at the model – I accept the fact the rate model is flawed – please, please, please freeze the rates,” Mr John Dahlsen said.
“Give the farmers a 50 per cent reduction … just to keep things alive.
“If you don’t do something about this, my conviction is that this shire is going to be in serious, serious difficulty.
“I’ m concerned about the health of this community, the health of this shire, nothing else.”
Ms Linette Treasure – a former councillor said East Gippsland Shire Council’s rate increases were “on par with some of Melbourne’s wealthiest areas”, despite being “one of the poorest areas in the state”.
“East Gippsland Shire is moving towards a crisis point – I don’t say that lightly,” Ms Treasure said.
Submitters indicated a rate freeze or decrease was a must to ensure famers can continue to operate effectively, some saying it could take five years before they will be back in a comfortable rate paying and farming position.
Cr Marianne Pelz asked whether or not people from the farming sector had applied for council hardship support, to which council director corporate, Maryanne Bennett, said none had been received.