Mine-free Glenaladale took its #StopKalbar fight to Melbourne’s Parliament House on Wednesday, more than 100 people opposed to the mine putting forward their case to the State Government and Minister for Planning, Richard Wynne, as to why the Fingerboards project should not see the light of day.
Parliament steps were covered in bright orange as a petition with 4500 signatures was tabled by Greens MP for Brunswick, Tim Read.
“I was greeted by dozens of people in orange and three wheelbarrows of broccoli and carrots,” Mr Read said.
“I was very impressed that they had gathered 4500 signatures and organised this very effective event. I hope the planning minister pays close attention and this mine doesn’t go ahead.”
Mine proponent, Kalbar Resources, is in the final stages of preparing an Environment Effects Statement (EES) for submission to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and last night discussed some of findings at a community information evening in Lindenow.
Kalbar chief executive officer, Dr Victor Hugo, is concerned Minefree Glenaladale has been delivering “misleading” statements, including the number of jobs that could be at risk due to radioactive and highly toxic substances and the percentage of directly impacted landholders.
“The technical studies conducted as part of the EES have determined that the ore, tailings and overburden are not considered radioactive under Victorian or International radiation regulations. We have also not found levels of metals or other chemicals, which could be considered as ‘highly toxic substances’,”Dr Hugo said.
“Whilst Kalbar Resources encourages public discussion and respects the right of community members and groups to voice their opinions about the project, we believe that factual evidence presented through the EES process is a more reliable basis for decision-making than the unsubstantiated claims that are being made by anti-mining interests.”
PICTURED: Mine-free Glenaladale took its #StopKalbar fight to Melbourne’s Parliament House on Wednesday, more than 100 people opposed to the mine putting forward their case to the State Government and Minister for Planning, Richard Wynne, as to why the Finger- boards project should not see the light of day.