A “tremendous milestone” in the history of Bengworden Hall was celebrated at the end of August when the doors opened to a refurbished interior, complete with a series of history panels.
Bengworden Hall committee president, Gerard Deery, said the re-opening was the culmination of three years’ work, with the help of building owner, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, and a local history grant.
“Renovating the hall sets us up for a successful future,” Mr Deery told the crowd of more than 80 people, who gathered to enjoy a meal together.
“It’s a tremendous milestone in the history of the Bengworden Hall and it’s a joy to see the response from the community, with so many people here it just goes to show the old girl can still drag a big crowd as she has over the past 135 years.”
The series of history panels adorning the walls are titled ‘Bengworden’s story and spirit captured in its community hall’ and include the first people, early European settlement, the district’s strong Irish/Catholic influence, with the area known as ‘Little Limerick’; changing landscapes and local characters and heros through to the 1950s.
“Meerlieu, Goon Nure, Perry Bridge and Forge Creek all have similar stories to tell,” Mr Deery said.
The hall committee is now working on funds to replace the roof in the next month, complete with solar panels. The refurbishments have been happening since about 2012 when the kitchen was re-done.
“The improvements allow the hall to be used for so much more,” Mr Deery said.
“It’s the only community asset left in the district, we’re hoping it will lead to a bright future.”
PICTURED: Bengworden Hall committee of management president, Gerard Deery (centre) with sub- committee members, Andrea Bush, Sue Deery, Lynn Yates, and Kaye Hoffman, who worked on the history panels like the one pictured.