Last Saturday Bairnsdale Urban Landcare Group celebrated 20 years of productive work along the Mitchell River north and south banks.
Former members plus lots of others enjoyed the morning’s activities.
“We had a fantastic display of photos showing some of the sites when we started planting and then recent photos of the same area. The difference is quite amazing,” Bairnsdale Urban Landcare president, Dan Lambert, said.
Over the 20 years the group has had six presidents and five of these, including the first president, Ian Clues, attended the celebration.
“We were thrilled to see so many of our presidents come to celebrate with current members and other interested persons,” Mr Lambert said.
Activities during the morning included plant bingo, calculating carbon storage in plants and a natural habitat game. Current members were on hand to guide visitors through the site and explain the different plants used.
“It was a wonderful morning, topped off by a delicious morning tea, as our working bees usually are,” Mr Lambert said.
“We look forward to the next 20 years.”
The Landcare group hosts working bees between 9am and noon on the third Saturday of each month. Interested volunteers and new members are always most welcome, just look out for the Landcare signs.
IMAGE: Tannah Lakey, Aly Harrington and Ann Robson. K1213-39