Studies undertaken by Kalbar Resources for the proposed Fingerboards Mineral Sands Project have undergone independent peer review as part of the Environment Effects Statement (EES) process for the mining project at Glenaladale.
EES studies investigating water, air quality and rehabilitation, have been through independent peer review by technical experts appointed by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).
Kalbar CEO, Dr Victor Hugo said the EES process in Victoria set rigorous requirements for technical assessment of projects and their environment impacts, meeting high standards and taking on board feedback provided by relevant agencies, independent expert peer reviewers and the community.
“All of the studies undertaken to inform Kalbar’s EES, which is in the final stages of preparation, have been reviewed by the Technical Reference Group managed by DELWP,” Dr Hugo said.
“Studies for three key topics water, air quality and rehabilitation have also been subject to an independent peer review process.”
“When Kalbar’s EES is released for public comment, the community can be confident the technical investiga tions of the project’s potential impacts are comprehensive and have been thorough technical scrutiny.” Referring to community concerns about the potential impact of dust on surrounding residences and farms, Dr Hugo points out the air quality study indicates dust emissions can be managed within appropriate Victorian standards.
Dr Hugo also said the technical studies show that radiation, contamination or the release of chemicals to the atmosphere or the Mitchell River present a low risk to human health and the environment.
“It is important that the assessment of the project is based on valid scientific evidence and we encourage members of the community to speak with us about any concerns regarding the technical studies and potential impacts of the mine,” he said.
The public exhibition of the EES is anticipated in early 2020 and will provide the opportunity for community members to read the full EES documentation, including all technical studies and then to make submissions.
The submissions and the EES will then be considered by an independent panel.
Kalbar invites community members to attend a ‘drop-in’ information and consultation session at the TAFE Gippsland Bairnsdale campus, on Wednesday, December 11, and Thursday, December 12, anytime between 2pm and 7pm to talk with Kalbar staff about the EES technical studies.
PICTURED: Air quality studies for the Fingerboards EES have been conducted using background data and dust modelling to meet the relevant environmental standards.